The glass type particles from the priming compound are smashed into the bore surface - just like an object on the road - you smash into it - generally ride over the top of it - depends how large it is as to the damage it has done
Any damage done to the lead causes the lead to be out of balance and causes it flight path to be eliptical on the way to the target - you can see this when shooting at night with a good scope on .22 and good light overhead
One of my rifles has the firing pin on the bottom and front locking - this rifle leaves a finer residue in the barrel - the residue is spread more evenly all around the bore - these observations are enhanced with the continued use of the Hawk Eye Borescope - this rifle has the ability to shoot more shots before accuracy decreases - barrels are lasting longer with this firing pin set up
With cleaning after a match, a by-product of ignition is water and with a scope you can sometimes see small droplets forming - not long before rust forms with the help of sulphur residue and a steel barrel especially - as said before, an oily patch after shooting is cheap insurance