Rifle basix trigger


New member
I know that Jewell, Bix&Andy, and Flavio Fare are the triggers of choice for benchrest shooting. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the rifle basix trigger and what they think of them pro or con.
Spotty, I think

Rifle Basix makes a large variety of triggers. From what I read, opinions on them are all over the place. I bought one once for a long-forgotten rifle and thought it was poorly finished. I sent it back. Years later, I took a chance on a 6 ounce unit for a Remington 700 SPS. It is outstanding in all respects. So, go figure.
Rifle Basix makes a large variety of triggers. From what I read, opinions on them are all over the place. I bought one once for a long-forgotten rifle and thought it was poorly finished. I sent it back. Years later, I took a chance on a 6 ounce unit for a Remington 700 SPS. It is outstanding in all respects. So, go figure.

They are actually nicely made and easy to adjust. Serviceable for a hunting or varmint rifle but they have absolutely no place on a competition bench rest rifle.
I find them barely tollerable for even a varmint rifle and won't be buying any more. Spend the money on at least a Jewel.
Received the rifle basix trigger I ordered. Installed it and function checked it. Not sure what some people's complaint is about the trigger. It has zero creep and breaks like glass. It is very light and I would say every bit the equivalent of the factory trigger on my suhl. JMO.