Richard Gorham in Auto Accident

I take it Rich was in the SUV....what happened to the occupants in the other car? the pictures look pretty bad.

I believe there was only one other person in the other car, and he did not survive.

Richard had surgery on his leg last night and will have another surgery on it Monday. He had a compound fracture just above the ankle. Hopefully he will go home the middle of next week. He will have a tough time getting around for awhile. He will obviously need to be on crutches with his leg, but with broken ribs and a broken sternum, I am not real sure he will be able to use crutches.

Charlie, what looks bad to me is the position of the vehicles. Usually in a head on collision someone swerves at the last second and you get somewhat of a glancing blow, and the cars end up in the ditch. These two hit dead on straight. The front tires are not even turned. It would have been like hitting a brick wall. Worse than that, the brick wall is heading towards you at 50+ mph. Richard said it happened so fast that he did not think that he even hit his brakes.
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i know what he will be going thru , i've got six pins, a six inch steel plate and
a bone graft above the ankle, 18 months on crutches.......he won't be able
to carry a cup of coffee across the room..oh so sorry !!!..prayers
for fast recovery
He must have called ten times last night during the match to keep track of how his guns and buddies were doing. He must be feeling a little better. On a side note, all his guns made it through the wreck in fine form and shot very well last night.
He is in Great spirits. They went in Friday and cleaned up the bone in the leg and placed an exterior metal rod to brace it. They are doing surgery Monday to set the bones back and plate them. He is just ready to be home. They told him he would be off work for at least 3 months and he did not want to hear that at all. Don is right he called 10 times or more checking on everybody last night.
Hope you have a speedy recovery.:)
We'll keep you in our prayers.
Mike & Jan McConnell
Just back from the hospital I brought Richard a laptop to get on the internet but the hospital wireless block He is still in great spirits the surgeon will let him know tonight or tomorrow what day the next surgery will be. The nurses came in to make him sit up a while in a chair and he was trying to get up on his own. Also we were talking about going to Killough's this weekend and then we decided not to but said we would go to Barnes next Thursday and Richard said just meet at my house and we will go from there. How encouraging he is ready to be out of there.

Can you give us an update on how Richard is doing and when he may be home from the hospital. He is in our prayers.
Richard came home late afternoon yesterday. He was in great pain after the car ride. He will visit the doctor again at the first of the week to schedule the next surgery.

hope he recovers speedily and hires a good auto accident lawyer
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I doubt that he will be able to find a lawyer who is willing to try and extract blood from a turnip. If the guy had insurance or deep pockets, they would be lined up at the door.
I hope you get well soon and that you are not in too much pain.
Looking at the picture you are lucky to survive,it's a nasty crash.