Results for WWCCA Fall Classic Sept. 17-18, 2016


Tim B.
Sat. started out 55° and rainy. At lunch time rain and 68°. Sun. 80° partly cloudy.
21 shooters on Sat. The dinner was hosted by the club members. A Texas BBQ. Very very good.
The usual people showed up. Jack got a few guys from Ft. Wayne to come up.

2 Gun
1. Tim Bassham
2. Peter Smith
3. Jack Neary
4. Chuck Green
5. Ken Hottenstein

Shelby County is the last match in the Eastern Region. Oct. 22-23.

A thank you to all the people who came out and helped.
Tim B.


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Way Da Go Tim!

That is mighty fine shoot'n Tim! Who's bullets were you shooting? A teen agg for two gun is mighty fine!

Congratulations Tim!

Hi Matt,
I was shooting my bullets.
It was close, Peter Smith has a really nice HV gun. It's hard to beat it. He shot it last year when he won his 2 Gun.
Chuck Green was on fire, also. They sat next to each other. They had the honey hole on Sat. I was in the middle range.
One mistake and I was in 6th place.....and they had Hottenstien bullets. Even old ones shoot good :p (it's an inside joke).....

I should have added Bart's Jackets and Charlie's lead cores were used to make these bullets....Thanks Guys,
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Excellent job Tim.

A teen two-gun is a benchrest shooter's accomplishment of a lifetime.

Your .1946 was a gnat's eyelash from breaking the WWCCA two-gun range record of .1931.

Again, congratulations.

Joe K.
Tim, congratulations on a great agg and win against some tough competition!