Results 10-2-11 world target match San Diego airguners



What a day..we had 9 shooters who showed up to clean this target.but as you see the winds had other ideas. this is how it went down.
#1 Charline Pray .--245 6x 245 6x 242 9x 732 21x's
#2 Roger Lovett .--247 7x 242 2x 242 7x 731 18x's
#3 Howard Pray .--239 7x 241 10x 239 8x 719 25x's
#4 Matt Ried. -----242 6x 235 6x 237 6x 714 18x's
#5 Matt McDaniel.-232 1x 227 2x 233 4x 692 7x's
#6 T. Donaldson.--222 3x 222 2x 242 7x's 664 8x's
#7 A.Waterford.---219 0x 214 3x 225 3x 658 6x's
#8 Tim McDaniel.--211 0x207 2x 210 0x 628 2x's
#9 Henry Ng.----- 228 4x 181 0x 182 0x 591 4x's
so now we all know about that crazy devil wind..and boy was it out today. thanks for everyones help. H.B.
THank you ! do you have any thoughts on how i could improve on reporting the match and so on? do you think i should include the gun and ammo that was used in the match? thanks for any help you can give.H.B.
Send Steve the results and use them towards the USA Scoreline. USA-Springer, World LV, World HV, USA-Open, and USA-Unlimited. The USA class can be any rest. World LV 12 fpe (no one piece rest) World HV, 20 fpe no one piece rest. all at 25 meters 30 min. time limit. Good practice for the 2012 postal qualifying.

Great shooting.

Howard,ThankYou for Post,Yes Please include Guns&Ammo used and the Pellet Head size of Charline's Magic Pellet's.....Franky

THank you ! do you have any thoughts on how i could improve on reporting the match and so on? do you think i should include the gun and ammo that was used in the match? thanks for any help you can give.H.B.
Thank for your thoughts, as for Charlines magic pellets they are locked up in a under ground vault so i can't touch the head size is anyones guess..sorry.H.B.