Rest Question-Bald Eagle Aluminum Trangle


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Rest Question-Bald Eagle Aluminum Triangle

Is the Bald Eagle aluminum triangle rests with windage good for general benchrest use? centerfire and rimfire?,they seem to be priced lower than other rests out there.....thanks in advance
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I have original Bald Eagle rests, and have a NEW Bald Eagle rest . They are both of the same quality. The cable windage on the new rest does have backlash. I just converted it back like the original on the rest top. I'm sure with some work the cable can be made to work better.
I feel they are every bit as good as any of the non joystick rests out there. Mr Big Bird Gebhart can be proud .
I have a Hart rest an old and new Bald Eagle and just bought a 21st Century F class rest. I sold my Farley to a friend . If i ever get back into short range Br, I will use my Bald Eagle. new or old. As far as being too lite, with good bench tecnique , there is no need for a heavy rest. or you could just lay a bag of shot on the front two legs.
As far as the new Bald Eagle . It is at least equil to any Br rest out there. Get it and save $$$ . also there bags are very good .
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newbald eagle rest

I have the cast iron sling shot model with the windage top and shoot short range BR and very happy with it, I would take the cast iron one if it was me, mine weighs 21 lbs.
I have

3 Slingshots. 2 cast iron and 1 aluminum. As a number of people have already said, the aluminum is too light. I ended up putting a plate of 1/2" steel under my aluminum to make it a usable weight.

Be aware, if you want to go the steel plate direction, you will need to fly cut the bottom of the rest to get all 3 corners even and level/parallel with the top of the center post. Then you can just bolt the plate to the rest.

FYI, if you have the option, get the slingshot rather than the triangular rest. The slingshot wil be a big advantage at those ranges where you have to crowd the outside of the bench, such as Kelbly's


It's my understanding that the Big Bird slingshot config came about because of Weikerts narrow benches, the very thing you mentioned.
Before the slingshot model people would drill and tap another hole halfway up the left leg so you could move the foot there for kelblys but still have the big footprint everywhere else. All the ones ive had over the years were like that.
Before the slingshot model people would drill and tap another hole halfway up the left leg so you could move the foot there for kelblys but still have the big footprint everywhere else. All the ones ive had over the years were like that.

Before the slingshot Big Bird had that on all of his original regular rests.
there ya go. must have been the harts everybody tapped

That could be. I still remember the day Bill showed up with a whole trunk full of his new rests at Weikert, that was one of the features I liked. I was using a Hart but I bought a Bald Eagle on the spot so did a lot of other people. The windage top and arthritis knobs came along a little later. Bill made a lot of innovations not all were good, his ribbed front bag gave me fits before I abandoned it.
Is there a demand for origiona Sling Shots?

I have a nice one with Myers Speed screws on both the rear leg and windage top . Is it worth selling?

That could be. I still remember the day Bill showed up with a whole trunk full of his new rests at Weikert, that was one of the features I liked. I was using a Hart but I bought a Bald Eagle on the spot so did a lot of other people. The windage top and arthritis knobs came along a little later. Bill made a lot of innovations not all were good, his ribbed front bag gave me fits before I abandoned it.

Ditto. After my rookie year of IBS Score Shooting, I got a ribbed front bag with one of Bill's cast iron standard rests with windage top. I started with Bill's aluminum rest and the concensus among veteran competitors was it was too light. Bill explained the theory behind the ribbed bag, which made sense to me. Unknown to me, the concensus among more experienced shooters was the ribbed bags were notorious for vertical, which after hearing this I promptly changed bags.
Years later I find out a pretty good competitor who regularly won aggs in tournament and club matches, awarded SSOY multiple years, and set several agg records used a standard aluminum Bald Eagle rest with a ribbed bag. Go figure. I swear some guys could win using old fashioned sandbags.