Reslults and equipment lists for nationals?


New member
I can't seem to find the results and equipment lists for the 2013 Group Nationals. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
The 2013 NBRSA Group 100-200 yard National results and equipment list seem to be lost and just can not be found anywhere.

You can find a summary of the nationals on the NBRSA website.

You click the members only tab. Then click Precision Rifleman online. The event is covered in the November 2013 publication.

While we are on the subject of the nationals. Does anyone have pictures from the 100 yard sporter award ceremony? I happen to come in second place and would sure love to have a picture of the event.


Bill McIntyre
I can only tell you that I've never received a shoot report or equipment list via mail whether e- or snail-. Only on the website.
I can only tell you that I've never received a shoot report or equipment list via mail whether e- or snail-. Only on the website.

I've been shooting IBS 100/200 group for many years and always got a full match report mailed, same for IBS 600 and NBRSA nationals and club matches from both as well as the Super Shoot each year.

Match reports with equipment lists were being mailed way before the Internet and the World Wide Web existed (except in Al Gore Jr's mind).

My 2013 IBS nationals match report may have gotten lost in the mail. Recently I had a piece of mail that took 10 days to go 22 miles, so go figger (and they had just gotten a rate increase for stamps)!!
Thanks Greg, but I am supposed to get one in the mail since I paid to shoot!! Isn't that in the IBS rules somewhere? (or used to be??)

This is true, why some clubs do not live up to their contractual obligations when it comes to administrative details I cannot say.
The IBS rules allow for a shooter to opt out and only get their results from the website but it is supposed to be the shooters choice not the clubs.

Dick Grosbier
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