P Magoon, Livin' Free NH
A few years ago, I purchased a bag of once-fired Black Hills match .308 brass. Should have bought new, I know, but I didn't know any better then. It was nicely cleaned, but not deprimed. Recently, I decided to size it and use it. Through testing, I determined that an RCBS regular full length sizing die with a Redding Competition Shell Holder +.002 would be correct for the chamber I'll be using. I plan to use a Lee collet die on the next loadings. Anyhow, I just sized 50 using Imperial sizing wax. Four out of the fifty would not enter the die more than about half way. They went "SCRONCH" and would have obviously stuck if I had forced the issue any. Didn't matter how much Imperial wax was applied. I carefully measured necks, shoulders, mid-body and web and compared with cases that ultimately sized just fine. I frankly don't see a dimensional problem. I'm wondering if the brass in those cases is somehow significantly harder than the others. I have no way to measure that. Any ideas?