Republic of California gone mad! Interfering in interstate comerce.

"You are right about different states may have reasons for different gun laws based on gangs, etc. Gangs maybe less of a problem in New Hampshire, but in some states you may not want a gang member to be able to throw down hundred dollar bills and walk out of a gun show with a box of unregistered 9mm's for his homeboys."

Yea, if the gang member can’t buy guns at a gun show then the gangs will not have anymore guns, And who decides who the gang members are?
Gangsters don't and by law can't legally purchase guns from a FFL holder at a gunshow or on the street "legally"so the laws enaccted to prohibit gangs from buying guns through the process you and I purchase guns don't hold no water.
The local punks steal legally purchased guns and the Gangsters buy them in bulk thru the blackmarket. Liberal enacted laws have always benefitted the "wrongdoer", which makes it necessary for us to continue fighting for our rights to defend ourselves, as they try to strip us of that right too .
I feel for ya brother.....

Taking back your rights in this state is not as easy as one would hope for. This is a huge state where gun owners make up a very tiny portion of that population. Gun owners here would love to have different crooks running our government. We don't. The gun owners here didn't elect the GOVERNATOR, but we are stuck with him.

Rich in Ca.

..not sure I could handle it and would probably have to move.

The Valley is VERY liberal and votes that way but still pro gun. I'm mad at how they vote against their beliefs but comfortable & happy to say they would stand side by side if big brother ever tried to take them away.

Gangsters don't and by law can't legally purchase guns from a FFL holder at a gunshow or on the street "legally"so the laws enaccted to prohibit gangs from buying guns through the process you and I purchase guns don't hold no water.

You missed the point!

Gang members can't buy unregistered fireams "because of the laws" passed that irritate honest shooters like us. I hate the laws too when I want to buy a gun, but it is an attempt to keep felons from buying guns by the carload by just flashing the money. I'm old enough to remember when you could do that at gunshows, shooting ranges and on the street! I'm sorry that's the way life is today! I don't like it either.
That is correct.
One does NOT have to possess an FFL to ship to an FFL. If as a resident of the state of California you are selling a handgun, you must then go through a FFL dealer. Taking back your rights in this state is not as easy as one would hope for. This is a huge state where gun owners make up a very tiny portion of that population. Gun owners here would love to have different crooks running our government. We don't. The gun owners here didn't elect the GOVERNATOR, but we are stuck with him.

Rich in Ca.


I'm stuck with the same irritating laws as you are and they are a pain. I'm not sure I want an L.A. gang to be able to buy carloads of guns at gun shows by just flashing the cash the way it used to be. It doesn't do much good if they can drive to Reno or Las Vegas and get the truckload of unregistered 9mm's, etc. for their next driveby shooting! Yes, gang members and felons will always find a way to get guns, but we can make prosecution easier when they break the law and wind up with a registered gun they've stolen or bought illegally. If some sleeze offerers me double the worth of a handgun at a shooting range, my arse is grarss if I sell it to him and he gets caught with it in a robbery or driveby shooting!

I can buy the guns I want, I just have to be irritated with the extra cost and hassle of all these gun laws. There are allot of laws I have to follow because of dishonest people. Try to build and sell a house and you have a ton of laws and paperwork expenses because of dishonest builders that I have screwed buyers in the past. Of course honest builders and shooters hate it being this way!
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You missed the point!

Gang members can't buy unregistered fireams "because of the laws" passed that irritate honest shooters like us. I hate the laws too when I want to buy a gun, but it is an attempt to keep felons from buying guns by the carload by just flashing the money. I'm old enough to remember when you could do that at gunshows, shooting ranges and on the street! I'm sorry that's the way life is today! I don't like it either.

Mr. D

Do you really believe that gangs can’t buy guns "because of the laws". I thought gangs didn’t give a darn about laws. Nice to hear that the gangs are law abiding when it comes to gun laws. I always thought the only people that go by the laws were the honest citizens.

I bought my CZ 17 HMR about six months ago and I heard that was the law back then. I guess they were wrong about the date of enforcement or I misunderstood. A local FFL told me the reason was it is that it was a check to verify that the receiving FFL really exists and it isn't a straw man sale based on a fake FFL. The FFL told me he didn't want to bother with getting the #'s. That's why local gun stores want a big piece of change to accept out of state sales transfers. I wound up ordering the rifle locally because it was actually less expensive. I would think the gunshops of Calfornia, etc. would love the law as it cuts down on out of state competition, but would they admit it????
You missed the point!

Gang members can't buy unregistered fireams "because of the laws" passed that irritate honest shooters like us. I hate the laws too when I want to buy a gun, but it is an attempt to keep felons from buying guns by the carload by just flashing the money. I'm old enough to remember when you could do that at gunshows, shooting ranges and on the street! I'm sorry that's the way life is today! I don't like it either.

You`re right, the laws irritate the honest shooter. They do nothing though to prevent a gang from weapons. Here is an example of a few gang bangers out shopping.
Of course gangs and felons can still get guns illegally, but it makes it more difficult for them and easier to prosecute them and their suppliers than having it legal for them to buy a box of legal guns at gun shows by just slapping down cash and walking away. Ask any conservative, anti crime prosecutor.