Repeater actions from Turbo

Yea can’t wait to see what you do. I was thinking a one piece trigger guard, magazine plate. Like a Kimber or Anschutz so the magazine fits flush or sticks out slightly. A pillar and screw kit for it. Maybe as a kit. Like this pic of a Kimber. But Anschutz is similar and others. It could be a little wider and have scallops on both sides of the magazine to allow your fingers to grab the small magazine. But having a one piece trigger guard, magazine guard with a pillar and screw kit. Would allow the small home shop guy the ease of inleting and fitting to just about any wooden stock or even fiberglass. Or even a new IR50 stock. Ect. With ease. Naturally the pillars would be the correct length so the bottom metal fits right where the magazine is flush or sticking out slightly, what ever way you design it. I hope this makes sense. I hope you see the ease of use and fitment of a say kit that was ready to go. I think it would be worth the price of it. I think a beautiful rifle would be made and others would want one also.


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Anthony DiOrio,
Please correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the action depicted here aimed at the PRS and NRL market? Perhaps also F-Class SB? I know of a one off true V3 IR Sporter action you recently made for a friend of mine. According to him, the mag is different. I will hopefully see his action tomorrow at a match. Curious as to what class the action pictured here was designed for.

Best regards,
Anthony DiOrio,
Please correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the action depicted here aimed at the PRS and NRL market? Perhaps also F-Class SB? I know of a one off true V3 IR Sporter action you recently made for a friend of mine. According to him, the mag is different. I will hopefully see his action tomorrow at a match. Curious as to what class the action pictured here was designed for.

Best regards,

The receiver you referenced is our IR 50/50 Sporter model and is design to meet the IR 50/50 Sporter equipment requirements. The magazine used on the IR model helps reduce overall weight due to it being an all plastic assembly. It’s not a repeater and was never intended to be.

The V3 Repeater model is a true repeater and is being offered as such, it wasn’t designed to meet a specific discipline. I’ve been asked for many years by many customers to bring a Turbo repeater to the market and so I have.

Best Regards, Anthony DiOrio
Yea can’t wait to see what you do. I was thinking a one piece trigger guard, magazine plate. Like a Kimber or Anschutz so the magazine fits flush or sticks out slightly. A pillar and screw kit for it. Maybe as a kit. Like this pic of a Kimber. But Anschutz is similar and others. It could be a little wider and have scallops on both sides of the magazine to allow your fingers to grab the small magazine. But having a one piece trigger guard, magazine guard with a pillar and screw kit. Would allow the small home shop guy the ease of inleting and fitting to just about any wooden stock or even fiberglass. Or even a new IR50 stock. Ect. With ease. Naturally the pillars would be the correct length so the bottom metal fits right where the magazine is flush or sticking out slightly, what ever way you design it. I hope this makes sense. I hope you see the ease of use and fitment of a say kit that was ready to go. I think it would be worth the price of it. I think a beautiful rifle would be made and others would want one also.
I hate to show my ignorance but what advantage does this bottom metal provide? I thought maybe it was needed to stablize the rifle while shooting from random rest. But now seeing it I don’t see how it would help. I understand not having the clip sticking out below the stock.
What is the purpose of this bottom metal.
I would say looks. Being able to inlet the action in the stock. Drill the pillar holes. Inlet down and inlet the trigger guard floor plate. Screw location. I made the pillars for this Anschutz but I had the trigger guard floor plate. I’m just saying it would be nice to have a trigger guard floor plate with pillars and screw. For those that would want to set it up like that. I think I would maybe others. How else would you do it for a wood stock ? Fiberglass stock. I guess if it’s made for a modular stock. Maybe I’m the only guy who would want something like.


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I would say looks. Being able to inlet the action in the stock. Drill the pillar holes. Inlet down and inlet the trigger guard floor plate. Screw location. I made the pillars for this Anschutz but I had the trigger guard floor plate. I’m just saying it would be nice to have a trigger guard floor plate with pillars and screw. For those that would want to set it up like that. I think I would maybe others. How else would you do it for a wood stock ? Fiberglass stock. I guess if it’s made for a modular stock. Maybe I’m the only guy who would want something like.
What you propose, as far as bedding/ pillars has zero benefit to the overall result.
20 years of IR 50/50 sporter stocks with pillars, screws, escutcheons, from several makers would confirm that. You can utilize pillars on any stock material.
WOW! I guess I’m in the wrong and the minority. I never said anything about accuracy. I simply said having a trigger guard floor plate assembly with pillars and screws is a nice, good setup for a repeater with a magazine. Any time you are building a repeater rifle of any kind the magazine, trigger guard setup is of major importance. If none is available or not an ideal one it can be a major expense to have a custom one made or a real pita to make one yourself especially if you don’t have a machine shop. So me And I guess I speak for only me if I can’t get a decent trigger guard floor plate setup that works for the rifle I don’t build it. Maybe just build a solid bottom single shot and not worry about the details any ADL guard should work.

Im not getting into any further. If you have stocked a few repeater rifles and you don’t have a full machine shop at your will. You would know what I’m talking about. Just make the job easier and better looking. Maybe even a better end result job because some of the precision machining work is done for you. You just need to inlet your stock to it.

You are not wrong for wanting rifles to look better, be easier to work on, or function better. We all want that.

This being a RFBR site the first thing that most ask is will this or any change make the rifle more competitive.

Our experience with 7.5 lb. IR 50/50 sporters tells us we already have a formula that works very well. You would be hard pressed to find any top sporter shooter change that format.

Bottom metal may achieve your goals but would conflict with our accuracy/weight standards.

In other shooting disciplines the bottom metal doesn't seem to add to them either but as you said it may look better to some owners.

We are just hung up chasing that last crumb of accuracy and don't always realize that may not be everyone's goal.

WOW! I guess I’m in the wrong and the minority. I never said anything about accuracy. I simply said having a trigger guard floor plate assembly with pillars and screws is a nice, good setup for a repeater with a magazine. Any time you are building a repeater rifle of any kind the magazine, trigger guard setup is of major importance. If none is available or not an ideal one it can be a major expense to have a custom one made or a real pita to make one yourself especially if you don’t have a machine shop. So me And I guess I speak for only me if I can’t get a decent trigger guard floor plate setup that works for the rifle I don’t build it. Maybe just build a solid bottom single shot and not worry about the details any ADL guard should work.

Im not getting into any further. If you have stocked a few repeater rifles and you don’t have a full machine shop at your will. You would know what I’m talking about. Just make the job easier and better looking. Maybe even a better end result job because some of the precision machining work is done for you. You just need to inlet your stock to it.
These guys don't understand the issues with getting a magazine correctly placed to the action in order to make it feed etc. The best repeater setups always have a bottom metal that locates the magazine and has matched pillars to correctly place the components. When we built centerfire actions, we supplied bottom metal for this exact reason and most smart people bought them unless doing an AI type of chassis setup. That is the main reason I went with the Savage magazine when I did the 2500XR. It had a magazine holder that screwed to the action so I didn't have to build and supply what is referenced above. No where near as clean, but it worked.
I know the action we are talking about has the magazine captured at the action, as it should IMO. I’m coming from the reference that I’m spending say 1500 buck on this action and doing my own stock work. Whittleing the stock out of a big hunk of wood. Having an ornamental trigger guard floor plate is the finishing touch but it functions as the trigger guard In the correct location sits on top of the pillars. The pillars the correct size and length allows me to locate the depth in the stock and it’s just all setup to work together. Makes it easier to inlet the stock and finish it off correctly.
I would think an aluminum trigger guard/floorplate with pillars and screws in a kit. IDK I don’t think 300 bucks is too high a price. Maybe as an option, order kit ?

This was one of Jerry’s bottom metals for a ACIS Mag. It really is a work of art. Fit, finish and function. Incredible Rifle.


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I know the action we are talking about has the magazine captured at the action, as it should IMO. I’m coming from the reference that I’m spending say 1500 buck on this action and doing my own stock work. Whittleing the stock out of a big hunk of wood. Having an ornamental trigger guard floor plate is the finishing touch but it functions as the trigger guard In the correct location sits on top of the pillars. The pillars the correct size and length allows me to locate the depth in the stock and it’s just all setup to work together. Makes it easier to inlet the stock and finish it off correctly.
I would think an aluminum trigger guard/floorplate with pillars and screws in a kit. IDK I don’t think 300 bucks is too high a price. Maybe as an option, order kit ?

This was one of Jerry’s bottom metals for a ACIS Mag. It really is a work of art. Fit, finish and function. Incredible Rifle.
We don’t use a bottom metal when bedding a stock for our products, have always used individual pillars. I understand your thought for wanting one but in reality, it is common practice for us to provide a drawing to customers with the dimensional information they need to inlet and bed a stock if they want to do it themselves. We also offer inlet and bedding services for our products on customer supplied stocks for $400 so, for us, we pretty much have it covered either way. We also manufacture and offer the “hardware” needed to bed our products.
We don’t use a bottom metal when bedding a stock for our products, have always used individual pillars. I understand your thought for wanting one but in reality, it is common practice for us to provide a drawing to customers with the dimensional information they need to inlet and bed a stock if they want to do it themselves. We also offer inlet and bedding services for our products on customer supplied stocks for $400 so, for us, we pretty much have it covered either way. We also manufacture and offer the “hardware” needed to bed our products.
Ok thanks.