Removing Danzac

I have a chance to buy some bullets but have found out that they are coated with Danzac. Is there a way of removing this coating with out damaging the bullets.
Just shoot 'em..... they probably won't hurt anything. I bought a thousand of the old Berger 88LD's a while back despite moly. I think moly's about as useful as scratching my nethers whilst muttering curses to the local aku but I wanted these discontinued bullets... so i'll shoot 'em.

Then I'll clean the barrel with Montana Extreme copper killer or old schoole red BBS and we're back in bid'ness, the only loss a few grains of extra powder.

I could soak the moly off with Butch's but it's a waste of good solvent.

And messy

You can tumble them in corn cob to remove moly, works good, not sure about Danzac but it will probably work fine. Don
You can tumble them in corn cob to remove moly, works good, not sure about Danzac but it will probably work fine. Don
wash them in Lacquer thinner first. That will remove most of the Danzac. The tumble media then will get the rest off. Less contamination of the media that way

Geeze Harley you must have gotten a gooooooood deal. Are you charging the seller to take the Danzac off or you doing that for free? lol

Dan Honert
I tumbled bullets once to clean them Afterward I had some weird shots and wondered about deformation, core separation and the like. AND I had to blow out every tip with the air compressor. and wondered about deformation and core separation and the like......

Then I stuffed some bullets into my vibratory and tried that, same thing, maybe MORE dust and crud and boogers in the hollowpoints. And did I get it all out?

And then I soaked some coated bullets in this that and the other thing. Solvents, oils, BBS takes moly off.......

but then I thought about running a penetrating oil down into the cores, worried about....

well you get the idea


I have a chance to buy some bullets but have found out that they are coated with Danzac. Is there a way of removing this coating with out damaging the bullets.

The Danzac could be the ingredient that turns that barrel into a hummer? This could be the epiphany you've been waiting for! Or, use them for coyote hunting in Maine. --Greg
I successfully removed moly by soaking in pressure washer detergent from walmart and then tumbling in a strong solution of the same detergent. I really think a good detergent and washing good might get most of it. Followed by a corn cob tumble. I don't think a soak in naptha or a paint thinner would hurt anything if it was allowed to evorate well. Working up a load is such a pain with moly is why I discontinued useing it. Might be ok on the gun and all after a load is established. With 15000 bullets I might work up a load. Max
If you use Dawn dish soap it will remove molly and I would think Danzac.
The best solvent I have found is Goof Off that can be purchased at any hardware store. It removes molly real well. It is also good for removing velcrow and numerous other things.
Try hoppes #9

I have removed danzac with hoppes #9 solvent. Only a small quantity need just to cover a hundred at at time. It lasts for quite a while.