remington actions

Alright, Butch, explain why I should do this.

Ohhh I just have to disagree with Butch here..... I'm on your side MRam10!!!

You just don't change a THING man... you're already THERE!

You're already hitting them steel plates 'Plimm' PliMM'..... you just keep on keepin' on, you ARE the man of the year here...... I really pray that someday I meet you at a Match and you can show me. Being flogged by The Master would be an honor....

your 'umble servant

Pretty funny that the three responses are all on my ignore list :)
If you don’t have an answer, than keep your mouths shut. You’re adding nothing to the thread.

Guys like you are the reason this site will never flourish like long range hunting and others. Keep acting like you know everything. I’m betting with the same set of parts, most of us could build rifles as good or better than your overpriced sticks.
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sure spud,
I have seen the questions you ask on many forums.
asking questions is how we learn.
you clearly have a lot to learn.
but they also show a clear lack of understanding about the basics of real precision rifles.

Pretty funny that the three responses are all on my ignore list :)
If you don’t have an answer, than keep your mouths shut. You’re adding nothing to the thread.

Guys like you are the reason this site will never flourish like long range hunting and others. Keep acting like you know everything. I’m betting with the same set of parts, most of us could build rifles as good or better than your overpriced sticks.
I’m betting with the same set of parts, most of us could build rifles as good or better than your overpriced sticks.

No, you're NOT betting, you're huffing and puffing..... you start talkin' trash re "over-priced sticks" maybe it's time you crawled up on y'er hindfeets like a man......

Here it is, out here in front of God and everybody....... YOU MAKE UP THE PARTS LIST, pick your poisson' Dodgeboy, we'll do it right here on this forum....... I'll pay your ticket to my range and pick you up from the airport when you arrive. Or meet you at the range of your choice. Only after YOU have agreed that the entire contest is fair will we proceed......

$1000.00 sound reasonable? 1K cash and the loser pays expenses. All witnessed and agreed upon right out in the open :)

NO, zero nada room for you (or me) to weasel

Or, come to a IBS or NBRSA sanctioned BR Match of any sort, ANY VENUE, if you're chicken to bet...... come out and SHOOT against these guys that "you know ain't no better'n you"

BS Walks.....
Registered User
This message is hidden because Mram10 is on your ignore list.

This is what you will see if you put someone on your IGNORE List.
(Best to keep one's PIE HOLE shut,that to open it & eliminate all doubt....hint)

No,this action will be reversed as soon as I finish typing this post as I ignore no one.
(free laughs/entertainment)

Someone's sphincter is clinched so tight from your "call out" that you couldn't drive a pin up it w/ a sledge hammer!
I'll put up half of your winnings!!
Guys like you are the reason this site will never flourish like long range hunting and others.........

One a' my buddies was on "one of them GOOD forums" today...... he showed me a post ((((I can't go there myownself cuz I'm BANNED FOREVER!!!! for not being like them)

He sez.... "check this out, these guys would NEVER get thru your Hunter Ed class!"....."heck, they couldn't even shoot on your range!"

The post is something about "what are the most indispensable items in your reloading room"

And the top answer was......


yup, you're onto something there mram...... I might just not have a lot in common with your ideal man :)

(((and I only counted 3 answers in the whole rest of the thread that I related to.....)


sad to see

It is just sad to see that for whatever reasons, one mans question as to the suitability or value of an action for whatever purpose turns into this.
sure spud,
I have seen the questions you ask on many forums.
asking questions is how we learn.
you clearly have a lot to learn.
but they also show a clear lack of understanding about the basics of real precision rifles.

I’d ask you to explain what I’m missing but you’re the type that is better to ignore.