Whether you sleeve an action or not depends on how much barrel you are going to hang off of the end. I would amagine you will want a 1-8 twist at least 27 inches long for the 6BR , (I asume you will be shooting the bigger bullets). While Remingtons will handle a 6.5 pound barrel with no problems, some like the added bedding and stability that a sleeve will offer. That also means a new stock, most sleeves have a square bottom, like a Panda footprint.
But in todays world of readilly available custom actions, many designed for F-Class, I can't see the logic in spending a lot of money on a Factory Action.
If the Rifle is already assembled, (sounds like someone wants to make a sale), then you will still have to lay out considerable cash for a new stock, the sleeve, and all of the labor involved.
That is, unless the Dealer is going to give you the Rifle. If it is used, how good is the barrel? What kind of trigger does it have??
This is probably not the answer you wanted. But the fact is, F-Class is developing into the same high tech game as Benchrest. Sure, when the class was concieved, that probably was not the intent. But any time competition is involved, a natural evolution of equipment will occur.
Soon, only the best will do. Go over to the web site and look at the picture gallery. That gives you an idea as to what you will be up against in F-Class.
While I do not know what your financial status is toward this purchase, I would think that if you are going to spend a lot of money, go with the best option. After all, sooner or later that is what you will end up doing if you get serious about shooting F-Class........jackie