Remington 7 1/2 primers

There was a primer "shortage" some years ago..

Everybody shot what they could get their hands on....

When the shortage ended, folks went back to whatever they shot before - regardless of what they might have learned. Go figure!

I found a couple of cases of 205's somewhere in Alabama (Jasper I think) and bought both cases. Gave a case to my long time friend Mark Luksic and we both shot better. When we could get primers anywhere we both returned to the "M" version at some increased cost. We talked about that but didn't know why....we just did...and kept doing it.
and if I have had a primer problem (dont think so) it sure wasnt with remington primers.

My experience is just the opposite, I never had a problem with any primer except Remingto 7 1/2
blowing pin holes and torching two bolts about five years ago. I didn't have many so I just thew them away. Kenny

My experience is just the opposite, I never had a problem with any primer except Remingto 7 1/2
blowing pin holes and torching two bolts about five years ago. I didn't have many so I just thew them away. Kenny

Your 100% sure those were 7 1/2's....??? Sounds like the soft 6 1/2 primers .... The 6 1/2 are ONLY for mild cartridges.
In a PPC, I have NEVER pierced a 7 1/2.. Only time is with a HOT overload in a .223... Won't mention the load...:eek:

Have had solid Agg wins with the 7 1/2's and NEVER a FTF.... Seem to be unique/lucky I guess..?

They were 7&1/2. I am not the only one they torched a lot of bolts.

Never owned a 6&1/2. what do you use them for? Kenny
rem 7 1/2 primers

i have been using rem 7 1/2 primers for 40 years and still have around 3000 of the original 2 anvil type stored away.

i never had a problem with 2 anvil originals but have found that the newer 3 anvil variety are softer (prone to pin hole and pierce at the point of firing pin contact) and cannot handle equivalent pressures.
