Remembering Doc Blosser 12-26-09


Bob Collins

We lost a true gentleman and competitor yesterday evening. Doc had a quick wit, twinkling eyes, and was so dedicated to his family, especially Tony. Doc is the one who really got Tony into this game and his push for excellence has helped us all.
He will be missed and I pray for Tony and his family during the difficult days ahead.
Bob Collins
My condolences to Tony and the family. My thoughts and my prayers are with you. May God keep you and comfort you during this difficult time. Friend, Lee
Tony, Sorry to hear about your loss,I always enjoyed talking with your dad at matches, he will be missed,Bob Barnhart.
That is indeed sad news. I met Doc and Tony several years back at Kettlefoot, and enjoyed meeting him and talking with him.
Tony, I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of your father.

Our condolences and symathy on your loss. Wish there were words to lesson the pain. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Ken & Cherie

Tony I cherish the thoughts of my dad and you will too they are immortal,unfortunately we are not my condolences for you and yours.
Allen Wentzel
Tony, I am sorry to hear of your lost. We will miss Doc and will have you and your family in our prayers.

Sorry for your loss. Doc was a good guy. I know that you will miss him.
Doc Blosser 12-26-2009


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May I send my deepest sympathy, my thoughts have been with you since I heard of the death of your father.
I admired him greatly.
I know you will be brave in your sorrow as he would have wonted you to be

Cliff Keesee
Tony.............................................. ...................

Sorry to here about the loss of your Dad.....I lost my Mom this year and not a day goes by that I don't think about, or miss her. Your family will be in our prayers.