Rem Actions



Somewhere there a place selling Rem. short actions, Anyone remember the place, Thanks
Brownells was, but it doesn't look like they still are. It generally costs no more to buy a used Remington 700 and dispose of the parts you don't need or want, and usually less.
They still have them listed on the website but you could buy a new rifle and part it out for the SAME price. Dmn near anyway. The ones they have listed have no bottom metal, mag box, spring or follower. I don't even thing they have a trigger.
There are a few guys selling actions on I think Larry Scott is one of them , He advertizes triggers here on this site from time to time. If your doing a quality build check out some of the custom actions by Borden, Stiller and others Its worth the time.
Watch your local Big Box sporting goods store for a 700 ADL Varmint w/ scope- $ 350 after rebate!!!

Good shooting.
Smokiejoe-Don't know if you are near Academy Sports but they've been selling 700ADLs in .243/308 for $ 349 pt. That's whole guns which means you get a free tomato steak after you remove the action barrel. Greg Fowl