I heard that Tom Boyer, Ratigan, Campbell are conducting reloading classes throughout the year. Can anyone share a link to any of their classes? Thank you
Originally Posted by myschool
Is there any chance to take advanced reloading classes at a local community college? I'm a high schooler (Glenbrook South High School) from Glenview and need to do my homework for me for my Technology Assessment Project.
bob YOU HAVE A NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON LONG ISLAND WHO BENCHREST CHECK THEY WILL HELP YOU.I would love to take a 6PPC Reloading Class. Where are those listed offered? I am on Long Island and also spent a lot of time in the Lower New York, Manhattan and Northern New Jersey are. I was offered help by Harley Baker, but I could never make my schedule work at the time.
Thanks, Bob
bob give name and phone no. Maybe someone will reach yopu.would love to get some contact information for anyone shooting short range bench rest on long island. I asked this once before and only got one name and when i contacted him, he said he no longer shot.