Regarding the LAPUA 6PPC case

From Iceland

New member

Now when Lapua brass is not what it used to be, American BR shooters are
called upon to write to Lapua of Finland and beg them to change back to the old
brown boxed brass.
For me this is an enigma!
On July 20th 1969 you Americans (the proud people of USA) changed the history of mankind!!!!
For a nation capable of going to the moon…. what is the problem making a simple cartridge case
of Match Quality?

With admiration and respect!
Magnus Sigurdsson
It all comes down

to money. If there was enough demand I'm sure it would be done. When a cartridge maker can sell millions of pieces of brass, why would they want to tool up for such a low demand product. Heck, most people don't know what a ppc is.

Back when I made my living in sales, speaking of asking for the sale, or anything else for that matter, I came up with a saying that I remind myself of from time to time. If you don't ask, you don't get.
Back when I made my living in sales, speaking of asking for the sale, or anything else for that matter, I came up with a saying that I remind myself of from time to time. If you don't ask, you don't get.

Boyd. I follow that idea/philosophy also....I got my rent reduced once....Sat in 1st class a few upgrades....:cool:
We don't need to give Lapua any excuses as to why we think the demand is too small for them to consider. The 6PPC is a decent size market. There is no reason to believe that it is some huge project to tool up for. The hardest job in making the cartridge case is the drawing process where the case first becomes something that looks like a bullet jacket. From there, the case head is formed, and you have something that looks like a pistol cartridge. My point is that up to this point of the manufacturing process, the tooling is the same as the 220 Russian. This is what they call it a basic brass case. Then the case is necked down in a few steps, just like you and I would do, since you can't do this in a single step without ruining the case. Instead of necking it down to 22 caliber, and adding much more body taper, they would simply neck it down to a 6mm diameter, and not taper the body down so far. Since this is a simple final forming operation, Lapua could quickly make the dies, and be making 6PPC brass in a matter of days. The headstamp change would actually be a similar amount of work to get things rolling.

Ask yourself this. If Norma was willing to go to the trouble for us, why do we make excuses why Lapua can't?

All we need to do is ask them to make the change, and let them know we will be using Norma brass until they comply. If they are to bullheaded to comply, we can just keep giving Norma all of the business.

It takes an effort from all, not just 20 people or so. I've spent a lot of time on this forum, trying to get people to do something, and most of you here know that I shoot a 30-30 for BR competition 95% of the time. The biggest battle isn't with Lapua, it's lighting a fire under the people.
