


I am most interested in getting a benchrest air rifle. Please post contacts for Allen Zasadny, other smiths, and stock makers. I am looking forward to getting started on this quest for air gun accuracy. I currently shoot an Eliminator although. although there are no active clubs here in the Sacramento area I do have a benchrest range to practice on and the prospects of garnering interest from benchrest shooters. Michael
You can use your Eliminator in the springer class. The rules etc are on the web site.

AZ is tough to get hold of now. It will be a few weeks before his shop etc.

is set up.

Steve at PAG is also building winning guns.

The yellow forum is a good place for stock makers and Dealers. I bought

two Rapid stocks from Gary Lemons. True Benchrest stocks. Set up for AZ

Quick fill with 280cc bottle. My .22 had a 400cc bottle so used a 220 Swift

Quick fill and a plain 280 bottle.

This weekend match was won by a fellow who made his own stock, Tuned his own Rapid, Used a truck scissor jack for a front rest and a sock filled with sand for a rear bag and NO wind flags.


Thank you Paul for the info. How would I go about contacitng AZ. I do not know what the yellow forum is. What is the web site. I am thinking about a MFT or Mk 2 Could I pu8rchase one and then later put a hrest stock on it. Michael
The yellow is here and you will need to register before you can post but there is lots of info to read and search. I don't have a current on AZ, sounds like he is moving so maybe someone will pass on that info when he gets settled.
AZ's current phone number is 847-877-5853.

Michael, I just got your message and am responding.

A Start

Thank You Dave and Don . The info you gave me is a great start on my search for a Benchrest airgun. Michael

Dave, Thank You for Az's number. I have been in touch with him. We talked for fquite awhile. Next week I am ordering a MK II . Down the road I will put it in a benchrest stock. I'm looking forward to a lot of fun. Regards Michael