Record & Rules



I've read the rules again and I can't find a direct answer to this question.

Are IBS Records only recognized during the IBS season?
Im quite sure

That records are valid from the time the various committees certify them, just as the recently announced record was.
I didn't pose my question well so I'll ask for a do over....

If a current record is beaten on January 1, is it recognized by the IBS as a potential record?
Yes it is

I've read the rules again and I can't find a direct answer to this question.

Are IBS Records only recognized during the IBS season?

as long as it is shot at an IBS sanctioned event that follows all the match rules (like backers at a 2 yardage grand agg) it will be considered by the score committee as a potential record and certified as a record if they agree it beats the old record. --Greg
The IBS rules are in effect at any IBS Registered match any time of the year. A new record can be set at any registered match. This has nothing to do with Calendar year.

I believe you are possibly confusing your self by bringing SOY seasons or dates into your train of thought.

The SOY programs (notice I said SOY not just SSOY) are administered by the various discipline committees. Because they need a point to end one years competition and time to calculate the results get awards. and award the awards they typically end in the fall at a point specified in their rules. They are very dependent on calendar year.

Additionally Precision Rifleman Points can be set at any registered match and are typically reported on for a period ending in December. This report typically comes some months later as one person keeps the tally for the whole thing.

Alright Adrian, How many light guns you planning on shooting Saturday...and Julia too???You got 5 or 6 each now don't you:D????That light gun record don't stand a chance:eek:;)
Alright Adrian, How many light guns you planning on shooting Saturday...and Julia too???You got 5 or 6 each now don't you:D????That light gun record don't stand a chance:eek:;)

I'll bet a nickel that JR is hoping you stay home this weekend. Both of my light guns have kinda fallen apart. I'm loaning one out this weekend and the other one is not behaving at all. Does anyone out there have a light gun I can borrow for Saturday.

Julia is all tuned up and really looking forward to the match. I don't ever recall her being this excited for a match.

Add a little...

In short answer to your question, "What Dick said"...but I'll add a little...
In chairing the "Records Committee" for the past 3 years, the majority of IBS records are set between March and October. Not only does the match schedule influence this, but also the weather. Additionally...since our annual meeting falls in has always been my goal to have all of the records "caught up" at that point in time so that record setters who attend the meeting can be recognized in front of their peers. That said, except for calendar years/shooting seasons being set as boundaries for recognizing brand new records as the result of a new discipline or changed target, IBS records are recognized on a continual basis...
That nice blue Bulldog rifle...

Does anyone out there have a light gun I can borrow for Saturday.


Sure, as long as you want to come by the house, pick it up, develop a load for it and get loaded for tomorrow morning...:)

Otherwise you can just work on the load development while loading and shooting in the match...:D

See y'all there!

That light gun record don't stand a chance:eek:;

After reading all of this I walked out and looked at the record certificate. It's dated September 12th, 2004. The record was set at Painted Post NY, with a 6PPC, well after the 30BR was on the scene. Back then there weren't many ranges shooting meters, and Painted Post was tough to shoot. The old record was 16X's and was also shot there.

Certainly someone ought to be able to best it tomorrow.....Best of luck to you. Of course, I'm hoping for high winds and blinding rain.:p.....Just kidding, of course.

After reading all of this I walked out and looked at the record certificate. It's dated September 12th, 2004. The record was set at Painted Post NY, with a 6PPC, well after the 30BR was on the scene. Back then there weren't many ranges shooting meters, and Painted Post was tough to shoot. The old record was 16X's and was also shot there.

Certainly someone ought to be able to best it tomorrow.....Best of luck to you. Of course, I'm hoping for high winds and blinding rain.:p.....Just kidding, of course.


Hey Dave, what's up? Still aren't too many ranges shooting metric matches. This will be the first one ever at KC's. His place has been know to give up some very good scores over the years, but we shoot there when its warm most of the time...I don't know about your guns, but mine would rather be basking in the warmth of June or July than be out on a cold and windy December day. Don't give up on it just yet...Hal
Hey Dave, what's up? Still aren't too many ranges shooting metric matches. This will be the first one ever at KC's. His place has been know to give up some very good scores over the years, but we shoot there when its warm most of the time...I don't know about your guns, but mine would rather be basking in the warmth of June or July than be out on a cold and windy December day. Don't give up on it just yet...Hal

Hi Hal.....I'm kind of surprised that this one's hung on this long.......I recall seeing 100M results from one of the southern ranges on a pretty regular basis. It seems like there are more and more shooters shooting 30 cal. LV's all the time, it probably won't be long. The 100M is the only one of my 3 records that is still current. The nice thing about it is that the certificates are all still hanging there, and there is room for a few more......the possibility still exists, provided all of the key factors converge again sometime in the future.

100 meters pretty much makes all of the "close" and/or plugged X's into 10's. It will probably take the equivalent of 22 or 23X at 100 yards to produce 20 at 100 meters.

Good luck if you go tomorrow!
