Recoil lug location


New member
I am planning a build on a Stiller Copperhead. Is the preference for a middle recoil lug or at the receiver nose end?
Thanks for your comments.
I think Stiller would be the one to ask, since it is his action.
You have the action? What made you pick that particular action? Seems as though nobody has them in stock. This is a stumbling block for us. Killough has a few Lonestars in stock and thats it.
The lack of actions, when one wants one, seems to always be a stumbeling block. I was ready to build a Myers about a month ago but, alas, it will be several months now until there are more available.
And may I ask why a Meyers?

MKane, then why don't you build on an Anschutz that I can guarantee you can get brand new right when you call the supplier to order it? How about a Remington 40X? you can get several on the classifieds? Custom actions are just exactly what the name implies.....and that takes time. You want answers to the questions you asked....the copperhead has some real good features as does the Myers as does the Anschutz as does the 40X. There are many fine actions to choose from and you gotta make your own choice.

Using a 40x at the moment. Stock barrel. Would like to keep using it until we get something else. Currently attending 3 ARA matches a month. Mabey I should just call MT GUns here in CA for a Anschutz build. Thanks for the replys.
If you are unhappy with your 40x, I'd just put a barrel on it...nothing wrong with a 40x. If I had to buy an Anschutz action I would not do it. You will spend more than a custom action. If you need the good trigger alone will cost you more than $325. I would make some improvements with what you have or buy a rifle from the classifieds and wait for the custom action you want. If I were in the market for a rifle I probably would have bought that Swindlehurst that was in the classifieds. Nothin smoother than a Swindlehurst. Of cours I am a little biased...I have a Swindlehurst and a Meyers. To answer the original posters Meyers uses the internal action lug and is bedded with all 3 screws. My Meyers with a Shilen Ratchet build by Gorham is probably the best shooting rifle I have ever owned. The very first match I shot it in I shot a 2450 with it using borrowed ammo.

Good Luck.
I have two Halls and love them both. They did not shoot worth a lick initailly but do now. Like many custom actions, they have bugs that have to be worked out. Mine are a few years old now;so maybe the newer ones are pre-debugged. More thanhalf of my puny Hall of Fame points were won with the Halls
Mabey thats reason enough to buy a use rifle, that is if the previous owner worked all the bugs out.