Rebarrel model 52C


Bill is right... That rifle will shoot... Take some time and (1) get you a scope that you are happy with, (2) be sure and find you some good ammo to shoot in it, (3) take time to get you bench techniques honed, (4) get some wind flags, even cheap ones like mine and then practice, practice, practice.

If after six or eight months, if it still is not shooting then consider re-barrel.. But Rod, I know that rifle will shoot, it is just going to take you tme...

:) I want to thank everyone for your reply's and good information. I will take Bill's and Dave's advice and shoot what I have and try to learn a lot more about Rimfire Benchrest shooting.
If I have a day or two in the future that Dave doesn't kick my butt on the range I will think maybe I am starting to learn something, just maybe.

Thanks again to EVERYONE !!

Eley Edge

Being you still have the factory barrel, you may want to try some Eley Edge. It seems to work well in the older factory set-up. I know the Dan Killough at KSS stocks it.

They tell me you were the terror of Texas with your Winchester 52. Someone told me of a plot to buy your rifle at whatever price and cut it up into small pieces.

I hope to see you this season.

Being you still have the factory barrel, you may want to try some Eley Edge. It seems to work well in the older factory set-up. I know the Dan Killough at KSS stocks it.


I had a couple of boxes of Edge and they did not seem to work as well as the Match maybe I'll order a couple more boxes and try again. If your tearing up Texas with a 52 I sure should listen.

I would shoot it some and get some time on it and try some different ammo has been said and see what you can get it to do. I would also bed the action/stock to get the most out of it.

Nothing against rebarreling a 52. Get a nice trigger for it and they can compete just fine. I'm in the middle of rebuilding a 52C right now (it was left in a closet for about 30+ years and the barrel took the worse of it rust wise).

Here is a 52D I built from parts and found a left hand International stock. Barrel still needs to be blued (it's a c.m. barrel) and I've shot 30 rounds thru it. The target pictured was fired at 114 yards and that 5 round group was rounds 26 thru 30. Not bad for the first time out and only tried one brand of ammo to boot!

Both guns are not set up as bench guns but will do the job just fine.

Here is another 52D I built from parts also. The barrel on this one is s.s.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels
I would shoot as many matches as you can this season, find some good ammo. learn the wind
If you can agg all season in the mid 1900's believe me you will do just fine :) (Unless You're shooting against the best )
if you look at Dan Killoughs web site you can see how the 2014 season panned out . A High 1900 agg would put you in the top 100 nationally
We are talking agg only, A-line is a different statistic.
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Just my opinion but...

Now Tim, that statement applies to button rifling but not always the case with cut or hammmer forged. Yes I know that 90 % of rf barrels are button types and are considered the best way to fly, but every once in a while the apple cart gets tipped over.

To the op, if you are shooting off a bi-pod that isn't helping. Just for grins you might try some lesser ammo but weight sort it. 52's are funny about what ammo they like and the latest iterations do not seem to be their preferred diet. I have a relativly late mfg 52d and a c that at present I do not remember its apx age both due better with weight sorted mundane stuff like Wolf or Fiochi . neither seems to like center-x or relatively recent eley offerings. Both of these have Canjar triggers- the c has a lp version.

Martini - whole nother can of worms- ya they do shoot- I have one also, 2 piece stock so forend vs rest is very critical as to placement relationship each time to be consistent. Sure is a hoot to shoot though. Good enough for our local club matches. Never make the grade for the circuit, even if I could afford to play in those.

got a full blow 40x as well for comparison.

Personally I would disagree with you. I have 3 Ds and a E, all of which like good ammo, like Eley Match and one even likes Lapua CX and Midas+ as well. Feeding a 52 sub par ammo, will just about always render sub par results. Also shooting off Bi-Pods are not a disadvantage. I shoot off them regularly at ARA and IR matches. I actually bought a Randolf rest, gave it a fair shake, but went back to my bi-pods. I saw no discernible difference, other than lugging that 30 lb chunk of metal around. Makes it nice to just have to carry one rifle and one range bag to a match. I guess its all in what you get use to.
