Rear bag - balancing forces

John Kielly

Shari's fan club
I've fussed & fiddled about as much as I'd care to without help & figure that it's about time to see what the rest of the world does. I use a joystick front rest, so the rear bag sits there untouched by human hands as far as crosshair alignment is concerned.

Am I wrong in assuming that the stock runs on the top of the bag and is assisted in tracking true by the ears?

If that's the case, how do you decide how much fill is needed in the ears, and when you are risking variable touchdown of the bottom of the stock?

..... or should I just be asking how you select & set up a rear bag? :confused:
Thanks, George.

Maybe I would have dragged more interest if I headed it Democrat.

I guess it tells me I shouldn't worry too much about the bag while its running fairly OK.

i think the responses are low, because most, like me, are still fussing and fiddling also. i havent made one track perfect for all 10 shots yet, so its hard to give advise.

I fugured I wasn't all alone on this when I ran out of help with some friends, but I still believe in Santa.

I let a bit of sand out of the ears & shot F class at 800 Saturday. It tracked like a dream, didn't torque and returned pretty much to point of aim every shot.

Help! What have I done right? :eek: