But Montana Pete it's probabley you that can't shoot the conditions NOT the rifle.The rifle doesn't know calm an 70% humidity from 40 mph gusts an 100% humidity.If you excuse the expression it's the nut behind the but that does the steering,and I'm as guilty as anyone of that
THIS is what I'm disagreeing with! THE GUN WON'T DO IT......... Montana's perfectly capable, I'm saying that 99.9% factory guns just aren't. To prove this fact for yourself I'd like to see y'all's shoot a truly accurate firearm. If any of you are ever around the SW WA area, Vancouver/Longview them let me be the first to invite you to my home to try one out
I've had folks that have never fired a rifle set down to shoot one teensy-weensy hole...it's FUN. Do what you've gotta' do but DO find yourself a BR guy and he'll let you shoot his equipment.
It's FUN