"Reading Wind" at 1000 yards in Benchrest competition. I want your opinion?

What do you think when someone says they 'Read Wind" to win.

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................ I can't, either through lack of the right tool or lack of knowledge. As with so many things, that amounts to the same thing . . .

Yeahh but knowledge isn't the be-all and end-all, there are things one doesn't really need nor even WANT to know..............some lacks are best left as-is.........


oriental santas


Yo Jim,

not sure if this post was aimed at me, "Al" or if you meant to say "All".........

I can't read wind worth spit but a few I'm trying to find 10 colors of Sharpie..... so far I've got 7 ....... ;)



You don't need 10 colors. I use 5 for a 10 shot string. I shoot the first five single colors and the second five with two colors per bullet...one color on each half..like red and green...yello and blue....red black......there are a million combo's. Ok...not a million, but a lot.

I always shoot them in the same order...every time....so if the red bullet is out I know it was my third shot.