RCBS vs PACT powder dispensers/scales (as of now - most recent reviews)


New member
I know this may be a sore spot for some because in many ways this is a question that has surfaced before. Perhaps more than once. But I understand things have changed and as there don’t appear to be any “reviews” dated since these changes, I’d like to get some opinions from those of you who have more experience than I do.

I want to purchase an automatic scale/powder dispenser. The two I have been looking at are the RCBS and the PACT. It’s my understanding that the RCBS “was” rated slightly better in the comparison reviews that were available. In general it was considered a bit faster and a tad more accurate.

But since the dates on the only reviews that I can find the PACT has apparently been upgraded, and now claims to be faster than the RCBS.

And then there is the matter of the RCBS apparently now being manufactured in China, whereas the PACT is supposed to be made in the USA. I don’t really like the China connection.

Can anybody shed any light on which of these two (RCBS vs PACT) is NOW considered to be the better of the two? I know there are some makes out there better than either of them, but those units are starting to get up into the $2000 to $3000 range, so I’m going to have to stick with one of these two.

With all due respect to the fans of such, based on what I’ve read the Hornady or Lyman models never did match even the earlier models of the RCBS. So it’s down to which one of these two is best – PACT or RCBS.

Not knocking anything out there, just interested in whether or not the fact that PACT has been redesigned – or that RCBS is made in China – has any effect on what the status of these units is NOW.

Anybody know of a RECENT comparison/review?

Thanks to all for your help and advice.
and why is this in the

mike in co
Because he's new, so if you have an opinion just answer the damn question. Stop being a jerk Mike.

Maybe count to ten before you spout off, eh? Kudos to Mike and any other posters who have the good sense to help others understand how the forums are supposed to work. Even if such comments don't meet your idea of warm and fuzzy. Otherwise, the newbie's next post -- in the gunsmithing forum -- might well be "what scope should I buy?" or "Who has the best deal on Lapua brass".
Ive never used an R C B S Ive got an old Pact its one of the slow early models. Ive never had any problems with it. Ive got a Lyneman it dosent work any more.
Good Luck Max
Maybe count to ten before you spout off, eh? Kudos to Mike and any other posters who have the good sense to help others understand how the forums are supposed to work. Even if such comments don't meet your idea of warm and fuzzy. Otherwise, the newbie's next post -- in the gunsmithing forum -- might well be "what scope should I buy?" or "Who has the best deal on Lapua brass".

Bill, Are you kidding me? What kind of help did Mikes response give the newbie? Who cares if the next post isn't in the right forum? Who made him the forum Nazi? As for spouting off. I've had about enough of the childish bull that guys like you and Mike have brought to this site. It's no wonder that shooters get sick and tired of this crap and stop posting. I for one have had enough and will delete the link for this site. Oh, and by the way, neither you or Mike have ever posted a single thing to help anyone.
I've tested 2 different LieMans, 1 RCBS, one Smart reloader, and the Pact that I own and Use.... Wouldn't have it any other way. The Pact is Tops. At the range I throw powder with any of 3 Harrells. To test the Harrells at home I have a Gem Pro 500. and the Pact stand alone scale which also doesn't give me any grief.

P.S. Bob Pastor is absolutely correct... New guys may not have the topic correct but they will post and learn and get familiar with the site, then they will start posting in the correct area. After a few trips here they soon see how things are organized and who has good info and who has crappola. He has probably already learned a lesson in character about Bob, and Mike.

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I am always interested in hearing new information on shooting products, which pbike has provided in this case. It is good to hear of an American made product with a good warranty that does an excellent job. I will mention a couple things that might influence a buying decision. A number of shooters who compete in short range benchrest use their Chargemasters to load at the range, and for this application it would seem to have a design advantage over the Pact because it has a built in cover to shield the scale from the wind. Also, RCBS will furnish information as to how to reprogram their units so that they are faster. Friends who have them are well pleased with their units, and RCBS has a fine reputation for taking care of their customers.
My apologies for posting in the wrong section. I wasn’t sure where to put it, and I couldn’t find any sections that specifically seemed to deal with re-loading technique or equipment. Perhaps one of the Moderators would be kind enough to move the thread to the correct area.

Many thanks to those who offered an opinion and advice. I sincerely appreciate your assistance.
You are quite welcome. Come back any time that you need help, or have something that your want to report or discuss. Let us know of your experience with what ever product you buy.
there are probably three or four places depending on your planned use
benchrest competition
and factory/hybrid rifle
i posted nothing else because i do not have a chargemaster, and thier function is well documented on the other forums. i made no comment on the pact as i had nothing nice to say about the company. is that pretty clear ?

i for one am not upset to see bob leave...his narrow opinion of me is wrong..so please leave, dont let the door hit you on the way out.
i have been on these forume for over 10 years, had loading experience, but not true br experience.
i have learned, and shared my knowledge.(ohh and built my own competitive rifle based on gunsmithing help)
my comments,based on facts, of the poor performance of quality powder throwers and n133 are well documented.....
all ya all have a good day
mike in co
Bob Pastor is one of the finest gentlemen I have ever had the privilege of meeting and knowing. I am proud to call him one of my friends.

He has built scores of world class rifles and rests. His knowledge of competitive reloading is also unsurpassed. The walls of his reloading room are covered from ceiling to the floor with wood, trophies..etc from winning.

Bob would rather help someone else out, than himself any day of the week. He wears it on his sleeve and I for one appreciate that character.
what bob said about me is an "UNTRUTH"
so what does that say about his character and or his opinion.
its ok for him to say such things,,....because he builds good rifles ??
personally i thought 'personal attacks" were off limits....but i guess if you build good rifles its ok ??
mike in co

Bill, Are you kidding me? What kind of help did Mikes response give the newbie? Who cares if the next post isn't in the right forum? Who made him the forum Nazi? As for spouting off. I've had about enough of the childish bull that guys like you and Mike have brought to this site. It's no wonder that shooters get sick and tired of this crap and stop posting. I for one have had enough and will delete the link for this site. Oh, and by the way, neither you or Mike have ever posted a single thing to help anyone.

"Bob Pastor is one of the finest gentlemen I have ever had the privilege of meeting and knowing. I am proud to call him one of my friends.

He has built scores of world class rifles and rests. His knowledge of competitive reloading is also unsurpassed. The walls of his reloading room are covered from ceiling to the floor with wood, trophies..etc from winning.

Bob would rather help someone else out, than himself any day of the week. He wears it on his sleeve and I for one appreciate that character. "
A number of shooters who compete in short range benchrest use their Chargemasters to load at the range, and for this application it would seem to have a design advantage over the Pact because it has a built in cover to shield the scale from the wind.

This can be an important point. When working up loads for my long range rifles, I like to use a scale. And when working up loads, I like to do it at the range. You absolutely do need to shield the scale from the wind. There are several ways to do this, but it is built into the RCBS. You'd probably need to make a complete "box" for the Pact.

On the other hand, if loading at the range is not on your list of needs, as Boyd said, it drops out of the equation.

I do use the RCBS at home, but check all it's offerings on an old Denver Instruments Accurate Load IV. If there is any disagreement (usually is, between .05 and .1 variation in the RCBS), the DI wins. But I'm loading 70-80 grains of powder for 1,000 yard benchrest, and that may be excessive tolerances for what you're doing.

I did own an old battery-powered PACT in the mid 1990s. It was not successful, needing to be re-zeroed all the time. Haven't had one since; from the reports here, I'd trust the people who like it.

As for the other brewHaHa, don't gunsmiths weigh things?
I have both. Sort of.
I have the new RCBS chargemaster AND the PACT/RCBS.
If you are going to load at the range and in outside conditions definitely the new RCBS chargemaster.
If you are going to use it inside they are about the same. No difference in accuracy that I could find.
I bought the new chargemaster because I use it outside and I will be selling my RCBS/Pact because I dont need 2.
2nd reason I bought the chargemaster is that the PACT units are powered separately and while one is d/c the other is a/c and to be used with a battery requires the use of a power thingie (cant think of the word now)
I built a wind box and got all the necessary items to make the pact work outside but just felt better using the Chargemaster.