
Does anyone shoot RBA any longer?
Does it still exist as an organization?
Is it time to make a come back?!

I was under the impression that they still shoot RBA adjacent to the R.R. Barn, Norwood, NC outdoors during the warmer months. Does anyone know for sure? John
Phil Dorman is still running RBA matches at Green Sea, SC. I don't know if there are others.
Too bad it's pretty much gone away. I guess there was never room for two organizations so similar in targets and rules. I was an advocate for a merger with IR-50/50 a few years ago when Wilbur was the IR-50/50 guy but we couldn't make it happen then.
Yes there is still an RBA, we are a little down on participation, but we a some clubs hanging in and shooting our little game, if you haven't been to Green Sea at Myrtle Beach you have missed out on the best food and best match ever, plus you can cool off in the ocean, catch some sun, and see the honeys on the beach. Phil and I have decided not to let the RBA go out of existence , even if there is only one club shooting . We will be shooting outside at Rocky River if we can get it organized for late May start to run thru Oct. or Nov. I will announce on the forums. Craig Young, Pres. RBA
A Way To SAVE the RBA


Here's a thought!

It may be time for the RBA to take on an Airgun division of its own independant of the current USARBR with you as its head as you are already the single representative for the U.S.A. when it comes to the World Rimfire & Airgun Benchrest Association. After all, you had joined Todd Banks in CZ shooting both the Airgun and Rimfire Divisions at the European Championships last year, so you already know how much fun it can be. Plus, with this latest U.S. Airgun Nationals having just wrapped up out in AZ., where there were 85 shooters in attendance, plus several other interested parties, just goes to show there is a definite interest for it here in the States. And, with the RBA already being affiliated with the World organization, where you're already the chief honcho for the U.S., makes it kind of a no-brainer, meaning it should be real easy to put everything in place.

Just my 2¢ worth, but this could be the solution for it all - for both the RBA and the U.S. Airgun Shooters Association.

Please think about it.

Dave Shattuck
We shoot RBA in Australia

Earlier this year we had our Nationals RBA for Australia in Melbourne.
Bill Collaros , Brett Wilson and Richard Lightfoot organised it all and it was a really professionally run and fun competition.
It was my first big competition, there were 80 shooters in heavy and it seemed like all the best guys in country the were there.
Australia is hosting the World championships WRABF here in Australia next year so I am really looking forward to watching this event.
RBA is the qualifier for the World Championships here and next years nationals is already nearly competely full.
The target is a challenging 25 bull per card with three cards probably the same all over the world I guess?
Personally, I had the time of my life going to shoot this competition but as with anything it is the people that make it great.
I am sure there are many better qualified to speak on this but it sure is a lot of fun to shoot.
kind regards Ben

Ben all you wrote is correct and the RBA Nationals I am running in Brisbane next year will be even bigger, the difference with our RBA Down Under is we run all the WRABF Classes inc Air Rifle much like Dave suggested Craig should do. RBA down here when started did mirror RBA in the USA but here it stands for Rimfire Benchrest Australia and is the #1 Match here by nearly double anything else for participation and big matches.
Earlier this year we had our Nationals RBA for Australia in Melbourne.
Bill Collaros , Brett Wilson and Richard Lightfoot organised it all and it was a really professionally run and fun competition.
It was my first big competition, there were 80 shooters in heavy and it seemed like all the best guys in country the were there.
Australia is hosting the World championships WRABF here in Australia next year so I am really looking forward to watching this event.
RBA is the qualifier for the World Championships here and next years nationals is already nearly competely full.
The target is a challenging 25 bull per card with three cards probably the same all over the world I guess?
Personally, I had the time of my life going to shoot this competition but as with anything it is the people that make it great.
I am sure there are many better qualified to speak on this but it sure is a lot of fun to shoot.
kind regards Ben

When RBA started in Australia in 2004 it was run by Western Sydney Rifle Club and was part of the US RBA using the US targets that have smaller scoring rings. You'll find national winners from the early year of RBA in Australia have US made national championship rings. The 2 day 6 target unlimited class nationals drew full houses the first 3 years so it's always been we'll liked down here.

Another thought on combining Airguns into the U.S. RBA is what to call it? I think RBA / ABR (Rimfire Benchrest Association / Airgun Benchrest) kind of has a nice ring to it.

Another thought on combining Airguns into the U.S. RBA is what to call it? I think RBA / ABR (Rimfire Benchrest Association / Airgun Benchrest) kind of has a nice ring to it.


Sounds like a plan- but you can blame the fall of RBA on greed and Politics. Maybe airgun will be different maybe not !
One think I liked about RBA

was the Championship Ring they awarded, at least once, anyway. I thought that to be very classy, unique and a nice touch. We shooters receive very little, most of the time, for what we put into this; not that match directors do either, by the way so I thought, Hey, What a wonderful thing to do. Championship rings don't have to be expensive from what I saw on the net. After a while, boxes and boxes of plaques gets to be a burden, if nothing else.

I'm with Dave on combining Air Guns with the Rimfire. It isn't being done anywhere else in the US and would be a great support arm for both Orgs, In my opinion.

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It was a shame to watch RBA go down hill!
The Politics Killed it a lot more than the greed but greed played a part!!