RBA Nationals 2008

Rod Collins

New member
Winners at yards...


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DJ, Craig & Dave K

DJ, Craig & Dave,

It's great to see you in the winners picture. So I guess you also shoot good when it's cold, becuase you look to be pretty rugged up in the photos!

I can't wait to get back on my feet so i can come and shoot with you guys again,i sure miss it.larry cook.
RBA 10 Gun

All the RBA Nationals Results are in the Match Results on the RBA Website.

Following are the Ten Gun Results:

1st - Phil Dorman - 2464 - 135
2nd - Michael Edge - 2464 - 133
3rd - Jerry Washam - 2464 - 124
4th - Rod Collins - 2463 - 132
5th - David Kenimer - 2461 - 117
6th - Ken Fulghum - 2461 - 128
7th - Fred Sears - 2460 - 132
8th - Bob Collins - 2460 - 130
9th - DJ Hepler - 2459 - 136
10th - Jeff Braun - 2459 - 127
11th - William Poff - 2458 - 116
12th - Tina Deziel - 2441 - 113
13th - Frank Jarvis - 2439 - 113
14th - Jack Boger - 2439 - 109
15th - Craig Young - 2435 - 114
16th - Fred Thompson - 2433 - 104
17th - Jody Reed - 2433 - 103
18th - Malcolm Drennon - 2432 - 123
19th - Doug Kenimer - 2431 - 107
20th - Bruce Doster - 2422 - 109
21st - David Floyd - 2419 - 105
22nd - Sam Saunders - 2415 - 100
23rd - Emery Smith - 2412 - 87
24th - Doug Weeter - 2408 - 82
25th - Hoke Kerns - 2407 - 90
26th - Noah Johns - 2406 - 105
27th - Robert Williams - 2395 - 105
28th - Allan Hall - 2392 - 101
29th - Bill Smith - 2387 - 88
30th - Neil Ewing - 2319 - 78
31st - James Faircloth - 1682 - 77
32nd - Lisa Williams - 1216 - 51
33rd - Jimmie Shores - 1187 - 44

glad to see petie and darla are well also their significent others.