RBA Indoor Nationals, Jan 9 & 10, 2010



The RBA indoor nationals were held this weekend at Rocky River Barn. There was plenty of food, good times and cold weather. While most shooters chose to compete in the entire combo match, some chose to only shoot the 3 gun or unlimited portions.

The 2009 standings prizes were awarded at the end of competition Saturday. The standings winners shared in $6,000 worth of cash and tangible prizes. The tangible prizes included barrels, gift certificates, triggers, and other shooting-related items.

The top winners in each class are as follows:

Sporter yards
Alvis Beach 250 18x
Ken Fulghum 249 14x
Ken Camper 248 17x
Jeff Braun 247 13x
Jeff Miller 246 18

10.5 yards
David Kenimer 250 21x
Walt Day 250 19x
Robert Oates 250 16x
Jeff Braun 250 16x
Doug Kenimer 250 16x

2 gun yards
Ken Fulghum 498 29x
Ken Camper 497 38x
Alvis Beach 497 31x
Jeff Braun 497 29x
Doug Kenimer 496 27x

Unl 1 yards
James Faircloth 250 19x
Craig Young 250 17x
Jeff Miller 250 17x
Ken Camper 250 16x
BJ Redding 250 15x
Doug Kenimer 250 11x

3 gun yards
Ken Camper 747 54x
Ken Fulghum 747 44x
Doug Kenimer 746 38x
Jeff Miller 745 53x
Alvis Beach 744 45x

Unl 2 yards
William Poff 250 18x
Walt Day 250 11x
Tom Flowers 249 20x
Robert Oates 249 20x
Joe Oates 249 19x

Unl 3 yards
Tom Flowers 250 18x
James Faircloth 250 17x
David Kenimer 249 21x
Joe Oates 249 20x
Walt Day 249 16x

3 target unl agg yards
James Faircloth 749 52x
Jeff Miller 748 43x
David Kenimer 747 51x
Walt Day 747 39x
Doug Kenimer 746 43x

Sporter meters
Jeff Braun 249 13x
David Kenimer 246 13x
Doug Kenimer 245 9x
Dennis Drake 245 4x
David Floyd 244 11x

10.5 meters
Jeff Braun 250 20x - potential new record
Dennis Drake 250 18x
David Kenimer 250 17x
James Faircloth 249 19x
William Poff 249 18x

2 gun meters
Jeff Braun 499 33x - potential new record
David Kenimer 496 30x
Dennis Drake 495 22x
James Faircloth 491 29x
Jack Boger 491 27x

Unl 1 meters
Doug Kenimer 250 17x
David Kenimer 250 14x
James Faircloth 250 14x
Tim Miller 249 18x
Jerry Washam 249 16x

3 gun Meters

David Kenimer 746 44x
Jeff Braun 744 44x
Dennis Drake 742 42x
James Faircloth 741 43x
Doug Kenimer 741 40x

Unl 2 Meters
David Kenimer 250 18x
John Higdon 250 16x
James Faircloth 250 13x
Tom Flowers 249 18x
Jeff Miller 249 16x

Unl 3 Meters
Joe Oates 250 20x
Tim Miller 250 17x
Jeff Braun 250 16x
Dennis Drake 250 14x
Ken Camper 249 20x

3 target unl agg meters
Doug Kenimer 748 40x
John Higdon 747 47x
Joe Oates 746 51x
David Kenimer 746 45x
Kenyon Harris 746 45x

4 gun agg yards & meters
Jeff Braun 996 62x - potential new record
Ken Camper 987 65x
David Kenimer 987 64x
Doug Kenimer 987 50x
Alvis Beach 986 55x

6 gun agg yards & meters
Jeff Braun 1487 91x
Doug Kenimer 1487 78x
David Kenimer 1486 94x
Ken Camper 1485 97x
James Faircloth 1481 89x

6 target unl agg yards & meters

James Faircloth 1495 90x
Doug Kenimer 1494 83x
David Kenimer 1493 96x
John Higdon 1491 92x
Tom Flowers 1490 105x

Sporter Class agg yards & meters
Jeff Braun 496 26x
Alvis Beach 492 31x
Ken Camper 492 28x
Ken Fulghum 491 22x
Doug Kenimer 491 20x

10.5 Class agg yards & meters
David Kenimer 500 38x
Jeff Braun 500 36x
James Faircloth 498 36x
Walt Day 498 32x
Dennis Drake 498 31x

Unl 1 Class agg yards & meters
James Faircloth 500 33x
Doug Kenimer 500 28x
David Kenimer 499 30x
Tim Miller 498 36x
Ken Camper 498 32x

10 gun agg yards & meters
Doug Kenimer 2481
David Kenimer 2480
Jeff Braun 2479
James Faircloth 2476
Ken Camper 2475
Ken Fulghum 2468
Jeff Miller 2468
Dennis Drake 2466
Alvis Beach 2463
Craig Young 2462

Thank you everyone for another great match at the barn. I hope to see a lot of you back at the barn soon.

While I did not make the "winners list", like everyone who attended I had a blast. Not only the highest score shooters are winners in this game. A great time was missed by those who did not attend. Thanks must be offered to Jeff, Elizabeth, Craig, the scoring team and referees. Craig somehow kept both wood stoves stoked and throwing heat. His domestic duty on Thursday showed....the barn was clean! Now if we could get him up early enough to unlock the door b4 we get there when it is 12 above outside.....bob finger
Rough looking crowd

Congratulations to all winners from this weekend. Here are a few mugshots.

Saturday-Sporter, 10.5, Unl, 2 gun, 3 gun, 3gun Unl

Sunday-3 gun, 4 gun, 6 gun Unl and 10 gun

And a special Congratulations to my friend and fellow Gold City Shooter Doug Kenimer for the 10 gun agg. Nice wood pile Doug.
Was a good time, Doug 'The Man' Kenimer showed how it was done. Good to meet some of the shooters. Congrats Doug, you earned it.
Great pics Jody

Way to go Doug,David and Jeff. Also good shooting James Faircloth,John Higdon his first trip to the barn and Mr. Walt Day on his two 250s. Everyone their made our trip one to remember. Robert & Joe Oates
I would first like to congratulate Doug Kenimer. Doug and David have really help me get started in this game...truly a asset to this sport. I also would like to thank everyone for a great first trip to the Barn. I met some great folks this past weekend. Robert was great meeting you and Joe.