RBA Indoor Nationals at the Barn

James P to change from a wing bolt to an x bolt cut off wing in mill because that is what keeps the bolt from closing in the x action Knurl the back part of the bolt. I dont know if I spelled that correctly but being a gun smith and machinist you know what i mean, this causes the part of the bolt that had the wing on it longer so you take some off the spacer next to the back part of the bolt. James you could cut some off the back of action or slot the wing but this makes a nicer job.
Equipment wasn't solicited for at the match, so there probably won't be a list.

I think I can safely say there were no 10x or Myers in the field.
I know I saw a lot of Turbos, several 40x's, a Time, a Hall, and a Falcon.

Jeff, that was some nice shooting on your part too -- congratulations.

(Rockingham County Gun Club)
Way to go Dexter. Great shooting.
Jim Mollica, you shot well also. That new barrell is doing well.

(Off topic...)

When's the next RF match at RCGC? I'm a life member there, but haven't shot any of the RF club matches yet -- they always seem to conflict with something...
Thanks Jerry

James P to change from a wing bolt to an x bolt cut off wing in mill because that is what keeps the bolt from closing in the x action Knurl the back part of the bolt. I dont know if I spelled that correctly but being a gun smith and machinist you know what i mean, this causes the part of the bolt that had the wing on it longer so you take some off the spacer next to the back part of the bolt. James you could cut some off the back of action or slot the wing but this makes a nicer job.

Bill Casey told me what you did to the bolt to make it work. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

(Off topic...)

When's the next RF match at RCGC? I'm a life member there, but haven't shot any of the RF club matches yet -- they always seem to conflict with something...

Charles, they're always on the second Saturday in each month, so the next one is this Saturday. Bob Yerkes told me that the turnout last month was very low (6 shooters), but the guys still want to have them throughout the winter. I'm a new member and have only been shooting benchrest for two months, so I haven't shot with them yet. I plan to do so in the spring when it warms up and I get a little more practice firing my new rifle from the bench. Hope to meet you eventually.
