Ratchet Barrel




As you may be aware from previous posts - I have an Anschutz BR-50 and have been investigating an upgrade for Bronson to a 'better than factory' barrel. From articles read and communication with the manufacturers - I tend to now favour the Benchmark 2 groove barrel but am open to your suggestions.

That said - and the reason for this - recent posts have described the use of a 'ratchet' barrel and being unskilled in the black art of barrel making - I wonder could one of you please take a moment to tell me what they are, why are they different, are they better etc etc

I look forward to your expert comments and advice

Thanks from downunder and happy Halloween to ya'all (we're also now celebrating Halloween today although nobody here knows why but my best guess is that the push to do so, is pure commercialism)!

Have fun


search the following on Bing Search Engine "shilen 4 groove ratchet rimfire barrels"

I am not a gunsmith, however, this will show a ratchet barrel from Shilen.

sorry Tom didn't see your response to Cary when I was typing...

Thanks for the rapid response - much appreciated

I'd be interested in knowing whether anyone has used this type of barrel and has an opinion as to their validity

Thanks again


I am convinced a lot of the hype with regard to barrels is exactly that, hype and marketing. It is my opinion that A great barrel will shoot well regardless of what tye grooves it hasd in it.
I'm a "good" club shooter having said that ..........I own a Swindlehurst with a Benchrest 2 groove 16 twist which shoots better than driver.
I also have a 40X with a Shilin 5c 16 twist, I'm well pleased with it. If I were to rebarrel My first choice would be a competent GUNSMITH......
The work on both rifles is first class.
So Pete, what is it about a barrel that makes it a great barrel? You don't think that rifling has anything to do with it?

I agree with Earlm! I have Rifles with Lilja, Shilen, Broughton, Benchmark and Hart Barrels with different Twist and Groove Configurations...Those Barrels and Configurations don't allow you to shoot straight if the person building the Rifle with the Barrel you choose is not a Great Gunsmith. The most important part of building a Rifle is the Bedding the the Action and if that is not done properly the Barrel Choice won't matter!!!!!!!!!Those Barrels listed above along with Rock Creek Barrels and Others all will shoot ,but, your Gunsmith can make it a Tack Driver...


I really appreciate the feedback and advice - thanks.

Mike, I agree that building the rifle and doing it properly is what the game is all about. Unfortunately, here in Sydney, we are limited to a handful of competent, enthusiastic gunsmiths and importing parts right now such as a hall action or a shilen barrel due to the clowns known as Homeland Security, have made that damn near impossible. I could tell you all of several orders recently 'stopped' from being exported such as an Anschutz torque wrench, a Wheeler Scope Alignment kit and a Leupold Lens filter kit - to name just a few if the parts I've tried to purchase - all no doubt - weapons for terrorism... Give me a break !!!

Anywho - back to topic... Of course, knowledge, experience and opinions vary widely and at the end of the day - we can only do our research and make decisions. I still believe that your set-up, shooting style and lots of practice has also got a lot to do with performance.

That said - and as mentioned by Earl, I tend to favour the Benchmark and Shilen barrels but unlike your clubs- very few people (less than 10%) have custom rifles which is quite the reverse in the US from the pictures we see of events - not that I know what happens at club level.

I appreciate the feedback but do have a question raised from Mike's post and that is re pillar bedding.

I've spent much time looking up articles on the web but nearly all decribe the typical two post rifle bedding system and none that I've seen - show the four post bases as used in my Anschutz BR-50

I'd love to know if anyone has experience with bedding this type of action and your thoughts

Again guys - thanks for the advice and happy Halloween

