Rail Guns?

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I asked this question once before but for whatever reason I never did see an answer.

Question: Would a RF Rail gun be legal in the unlimited classes in RF competition ?



It is legal in ARA. I don't know about IR 50/50 or RBA.
A Pappas rest will point a rf as well and quicker than a rail gun.
Legal in IR50/50 unlimited. Don't see it as a great advatage though. Now the Papas rest may be a different story.

The only advantage to a rail gun would be stability. I couldn't imagine a rifle in any rest being as stable as a rail gun.

Have you shot off a Pappas one-piece rest..?? If not, you neede to try it before you make that statement.. They are very stable...


Have you shot off a Pappas one-piece rest..?? If not, you neede to try it before you make that statement.. They are very stable...



I have not but my thinking went to the Unlimited CF folks. If a one piece rest would do it for them, I think they probably would opt for that instead of a huge rail gun.

I realize RF's have virtually no recoil. I have been involved in BR competition for about 14 years, including RF. I don't remember seeing one piece rests 10 or 12 years ago in RF, I don't think.

My only observation of a one pieced rest being used was at the only RF match I have attended in recent years this winter. It seemed to me that the rest / rifle combination left some room for error is all. I do realixe there might be problems that would come with a rail gun too. It is just hard to imaging that heavier wouldn't be better is all.
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There were a few 22 rail guns brought to a few matches several years ago. They got beaten so handily that the owners quit dragging all that weight to the line.. With even 7.5 pound sporter rifles needing a 250 with high X count to place, why drag 40 pounds around.
If they would allow unlimited scope power on sporters, many of us would not even own a 10 1/2 pound rifle.
The problem with the rail setuos I have seen is that they are designed for CF group shooting don't have enough sight adjustment to cover the whole RF target without moving it sometime during the match. If that problem were addressed, I'd think they would be very good in RF score matches. You would need to tune for the ammo but you couldn't get a better more cosistent hold.
I've always heard rimfire recoil is still an issue even with a heavy rail gun
The recoil is an issue because it must be the same each time. That's why all the top shooters use free recoil when possible and why sporter is more of a challenge than heavy gun.
Interesting you mention Sporters

There were a few 22 rail guns brought to a few matches several years ago. They got beaten so handily that the owners quit dragging all that weight to the line.. With even 7.5 pound sporter rifles needing a 250 with high X count to place, why drag 40 pounds around.
If they would allow unlimited scope power on sporters, many of us would not even own a 10 1/2 pound rifle.

The one I borrowed and shot in a match this winter was every bit as accurate as the 10.5 rifle I shot. I think except for two shots I had in the Black :(, I actually shot the Sporter better than the 10.5 rifle, at least I didn't think I could see any difference in the way the rifles handled and shot. Of course it was a very WILD day and my first attempt at RF in about a dozen years.

To that end, I had the thought of simply using a Sporter for all three classes; with a scope change between classes, why not?
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How about - -

The problem with the rail setuos I have seen is that they are designed for CF group shooting don't have enough sight adjustment to cover the whole RF target without moving it sometime during the match. If that problem were addressed, I'd think they would be very good in RF score matches. You would need to tune for the ammo but you couldn't get a better more cosistent hold.

a rail with a joystick or speed screws; Some device to allow for quick re-aiming. I am thinking that the right return to battery setup would increase scores AND - - - would be fun to develop.
10/22 with special rest

I had one shooter, that said he was developing a special rest, so all he had to do is make one click per shot, and he would take out the dot every time. Just think, 2500 every target. Strange, that he has never showed up at a match to show off his fantastic machining skill.
It's fun to dream big, eh?

I had one shooter, that said he was developing a special rest, so all he had to do is make one click per shot, and he would take out the dot every time. Just think, 2500 every target. Strange, that he has never showed up at a match to show off his fantastic machining skill.

None of these things come easy. Have a lot of tee shirts to prove it.
Here is my attempt of railgun sorcery.It is a shul with a broughton barrel in a glued in barrel block attached to a centerfire railgun.It shot very well. I shot it in a club ARA match in Lancaster.Finished 5th out of ten.Did win the first high card 2350.By the end of the day I was wore out.Its not like shootin a normal gun I think thats why you dont see very many of them.


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