Bob Kingsbury
New member
Not to far back, I shortened the barrel on my rail gun. It seems that
since It has been shortened, it rings like a tuning fork. Lifting the top
(moving half) off the base will always start it. Like a tuning fork, a
harmonic or similiar frequency could induce this into vibration. This gun
now shoots incredible verticle and no amount out tuning seems to help.
The barrel is epoxied into a barrel block and the block is bolted to the I-beam. My dial indicators say nothing is moving in any way. Just wondering
if my barrel length has become untuneable, Anyone seen this before
since It has been shortened, it rings like a tuning fork. Lifting the top
(moving half) off the base will always start it. Like a tuning fork, a
harmonic or similiar frequency could induce this into vibration. This gun
now shoots incredible verticle and no amount out tuning seems to help.
The barrel is epoxied into a barrel block and the block is bolted to the I-beam. My dial indicators say nothing is moving in any way. Just wondering
if my barrel length has become untuneable, Anyone seen this before