Rachels Glen

Rumor has it....

That Larry Costa led the way on day 1. I have no official results but Richard Milton told me that Larry was probably on top after UNL and HV. Sorry, but that is all I have heard.
Bernie Burby won the 4-gun and Larry was second. We have just finished up and I came to the house. I'm too tard to worry with it this evening but I'll get everything posted tomorrow.

Conditions were not bad and weather was beautiful. We had 42 shooters with several from Texas and Louisiana. Hobie Bond drove down from Ohio. Things went really well. More tomorrow.

Mickey: Thanks for a excellent shoot. Well run as always. I appreciate the effort and resources you put in to have such an outstanding place for us "dummies" to shoot at. jim casey
Mickey: Thanks for a excellent shoot. Well run as always. I appreciate the effort and resources you put in to have such an outstanding place for us "dummies" to shoot at. jim casey
That is a two way street. Without you guys coming to shoot and have a good time I couldn't afford to keep the range going. Let me hasten to add that building a benchrest range as an income maker is not quite as lucrative as buying Freddie Mac stock but I didn't build Rachel's Glen to retire on, thank goodness! :)

It started out as a small 10 bench range and just snowballed from there. I must admit that I take great pride in having a nice facility but it's just what you guys deserve. There are no finer people than benchrest shooters.

I do get tired during the running of a match and my back hurts after measuring nearly 1,000 targets and it's stressful handling all the little problems that arise but I have never regretted getting into benchrest either as a shooter or range owner. I'd hate to know how much I've put into the range over that past 19 years but friends like you, Jim, have always been eager and willing to help when needed and I appreciate all of you. Y'all are a great blessing to me.
Rachel's Glen 4 gun

Vic just call me, with the 4 gun results.
1-Bernard Burby .2204
2-Larry Costa .2255
3-Jackie Schmidt .2479
4-James Casey .2736
5-Jim Andress .2749
Snap Shots of Mickey's Range




More Snap Shots of Mickey's Range (Rachel's Glen)

We Texicans sure enjoyed the match. I am glad I made the long trip.



This calm did not last long.
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Gary, I hope you enjoyed being had as much as we enjoyed having y'all. ;) We really bust our buns to put on a good shoot. As I've said earlier it's extremely stressful at times but that's because we so badly want you to enjoy yourselves. If we didn't care it wouldn't stress us out at all. Y'all come back, now, y'heah?
Gary W.,
Good to meet you and congrat's again to you and "Hooch" on your HV win. Good to hear you got home safe! Awesome last lap pass to pull off the win on the last target.

Well I gotta say thanks from the Carolina crowd! We had a good time. Being that I'm new to shortrange BR... many times someone would come up to me and stick out their hand and say hey, i'm so and so, how you doin'? This was only my 3rd group match and my first 200yd match. I've spent my life shooting long range BR. But anyone that says 200yds is easy has never sat down on Mickey's range and tried to beat that crowd.

Got to meet a lot of new friends from all around our country. It was nice to walk around the parking lot and see, NC, LA, AL, FL, OH, SC, IN, MS, and TX tags. And I'm sure some others I don't remember.

That is a tricky range. I won't comment on Brady's singin'. hehehe what a charactor. "we gonna shoot now!"

And I beleive Mickey said there was 2 or 3 new shooters there this weekend. Kim Merril from LA was one of them. Nice guy and I know he had a good time. He would curse after shooting a group, but still stand up with a big old grin on his face after every match.

Until next time, keep the rubber side down and keep'um small!

all guns

Can you or anyone post the top 10
in all classes. I know me and about 500
more would love to know.

Steve Huff

Vic just call me, with the 4 gun results.
1-Bernard Burby .2204
2-Larry Costa .2255
3-Jackie Schmidt .2479
4-James Casey .2736
5-Jim Andress .2749

Man, we should have took a group picture of the "Texas Contingent", (Gary Walters, Vic Smith, Bob Estes, Wayne Johnson, John Jones, Jackie Schmidt). I think our "envasion" was a success, It was a good way to wrap up a long shooting season.......jackie
Had a great time. My wife talked about it all the way home. She sees why I like to get out and meet ya-all. She's wanting to shoot real bad now too..... Good lord this could cost....but she just might be my secret weapon.

Had a great time shooting by you Jackie and St. Romain (hope i spelled that right). Several times this weekend I seen people hand or loan guns to those who had gun trouble. What a great bunch.

thanks mickey for your hard work....and thanks to everyone else also.

Forgot one thing...

Oh....I forgot to say....I want to propose a rule change to ban just Jackies tuner......that d*mn thing needs banned.

good to see all my friends again and good to meet the new ones. mickey- outstanding job. I'm just glad I got to shoot one group with a good scope so you could see I hadn't lost it all!!! hope leupold can get me fixed up on mine since I just got a new action a march is out for me right now:mad:
4 GUN, Sporter, and LV

These are the results of sp, lv, and the 4 gun. I did not get the ul and hv.
I also had a great time and enjoyed the weekend. Thanks Mickey!:)

4 Gun, Top five were already posted.

#6 Reynolds D .2791
#7 Mims S .2816
#8 Lee S .2836
#9 Stevens B .2837
#10 Sauter B .2901
#11 Walters G .2904 (Tx)
#12 Ross B .2956
#13 Hovis K .2970 The "D"estroyer :)
#14 St Romain .3109
#15 Porter R .3112
#16 Stevens D.3119
#17 Graves J .3174
#18 Morgan G .3184
#19 Nelson G .3211
#20 Turner S .3216
#21 Smith Vic .3307 (Tx)
#22 Bond H. .3348
#23 Estes B .3401 (Tx)
#24 Shelp S .3425

Sporter 200

#1 Walters Gary .2159 (Tx) :D:D:D
#2 Jackie Schmidt .2234 (Tx) :D:D:D
#3 Costa L .2349
#4 Burby B .2495
#5 Casey J .2561
#6 Ross B .2590
#7 Andress .2626
#8 Sauter B .2628
#9 Shelp S .2654
#10 McRae D .2654
#11 Hovis K .2694
#12 Lee S .2855
#13 Reynolds D .2866
#14 John Jones .2874 (Tx)
#15 Stevens B .2920

LV 200

#1 Burby B .2204
#2 Costa L .2255
#3 Schmidt J .2479 (Tx)
#4 Casey J .2736
#5 Andress J .2749
#6 Reynold D .2791
#7 Mims S .2816
#8 Lee S .2836
#9 Stevens B .2837
#10 Sauter B .2901
#11 Walters G .2904 (Tx)
#12 Ross B .2956
#13 Hovis K .2970
#14 St Romaine D .3109
#15 Porter R .3112