"Quiet" muzzle brakes?


Gary O

I see them advertised from time to time. Gentry Custom as an example. Do they work? Are they quieter? What say you?
I have an injured rotator cuff...
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Take a look at activetuningsolutions.com. The master brakes have been independently tested to only increase the blast noise approx 7 decibels while traditional muzzle brakes are around 11 to 15 decibels.
A 7 dBA increase in noise is quite an increase. Quieter still isn't quiet. I've got a muzzle brake on one rifle because that's the way it came, and although it vent forward and I was assured that it was no louder than normal I found it noticeably louder. Wear plugs and muffs when shooting, especially with a brake.
The Hunters Brake offered by activetuningsolutions.com was designed and patented with its sound controlling effectiveness as a top priority. These brakes have been allowed in the fields in Africa by the PH's.
Quieter brakes also do not reduce the recoil as much. The design that makes them quieter also makes them not quite as effective.

Reflective noise bouncing back to the shooter is the biggest problem with any brake being louder than a bare muzzle. All heavy recoiling rifles are loud to start with and when possible ear protection should be employed. It's people beside a brake who really feel it...

I fired a .30-378 Weatherby at Rosebud and the roof supporting pipes were still vibrating for a long time after the shot was fired.
There is a tin roof over that range area.

Roof still there after you fi9ni9shed the relay??

I fired a .30-378 Weatherby at Rosebud and the roof supporting pipes were still vibrating for a long time after the shot was fired.
There is a tin roof over that range area.

Muzzle brakes

I have been making and selling brakes for over 25 years and I have made several designs and styles. ALL muzzle brakes are very loud to the shooter and people around them. Good hearing protection is a must no matter what a person or company tells you. They work great and they are VERY LOUD. Ross