Questions on how match is conducted?



I have posted in another thread that there is at least one club that in my mind is not playing the game correctly.

I am curious if anyone cares that instead of a match being the best 9 of 15, which allows for 6 matches to be throw outs. The throw out is to allow for scheduled matches fired in bad wind conditions. This levels the playing field and is about the only thing about a postal match that makes it at all possible to compare scores. If a club shoots a match published as a score line match and after the targets taken down or scored then decides not to turn in scores, is that fair. This allows unlimited throw outs before the required 15 targets are turned in and 6 more scores are thrown out.

What we have then is an unlimited number of targets if all clubs adapt this practice with unlimited throw outs. What is the point.

I have asked Stephen George if he could assure us that this will not continue. His response was he can not police or enforce the rules. How many clubs will move to this practice of cherry picking which matches are reported after they have been fired.

Just curious what the World Organization thinks and what they would do in postal matches under their banner?

Just an Old Man. competing in just about every discipline for close to 50 years and I never have heard of something so unfair. I guess I am just tilting Wind Mills.

Bob Zimmerman

I did not join your other thread but in this case, I am making an exception.

To be clear, USARB is a sanctioning organization. The mission is not about policing infractions, real or perceived. Following the rules falls to the shooters and match directors. Certainly, egregious and blatant displays of infractions should be reported so they can be addressed with the involved parties.

Any shooter, match director or club may choose not to submit targets to the USA Scoreline. It makes no sense to speculate on the motives of people who do not wish to participate. There is a big difference between deciding not to submit scores and what you have referred to as cheating.

You also mentioned, "published as a score line match". That was never part of the rules and you have never published your matches as such, here or anywhere else. We count on the discretion and good judgement of match directors to choose to run matches at their respective clubs in a manner that is fair and fun for all.

How postal matches are run is a different matter and have separate rules to comply with.

Now, I hope we are done tilting windmills.
I would submit

That any org that sanctions anything must have a set of somewhat rigid rules to make the process fair and just for everyone involved. Unless there is a bedrock foundation for what is and is not "Fair Play", there will never be harmony among those participating. The idea of human beings all being on the same page in terms of ethics and fair play is a naïve notion, from my 69 years observing the Homo Sapiens. Unless an org is willing to really get involved with writing a set of rules of the road, it can not succeed, in my opinion. A set of rules is a living document, always in a state of flux. Changes are implemented by the owner or owners of that organization, be it a single person or the membership. Anything less is doomed for failure, ultimately, from what I have seen and experienced. Being responsible for the management of an organization is not easy and is time consuming but the Buck has to stop somewhere. Depending on others to run things is a receipt for chaos, which appears to me, is being expressed now. There is a compelling reason for organizations having a structure of authority. It is the only way they can survive.

Pete Wass
I usually don't get upset easily, but I'm tired of reading the same thing every year on forums about cheating, cherry picking, you only shoot at one club, blah, blah, blah.

For those folks that keep complaining every year it's not fair, start your own organization, I guarantee folks will still find something to B**** about. Human Nature is what it is and you sure are not going to please everyone involved, nature of the beast.

Sure the organization could adopt more stringent rules, you still would have those bitching and complaining. Look at some of the folks that keep bitching about ARA and IR50/50, it's always about the same thing. Air Rifle BR here in the States is so mi-nute as it is.
