Question for Wilbur

Can't see it either Wilbur. I get "Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

I have to upload photo in 'photobucket', click the 'img' & paste it to the thread when posting photo in the forum. (not work when uploading it directly from my file).
Let's see. I just tried to attach a picture to this post. When I try to upload the picture the "Manage Attachment" dialog box gives me the message that
This is not a valid image file.
The one from Boyd and James both work for me but the one Wilbur used didnt.
All the actual images posted, the Christmas decoration and scope mounts, open fine in my Firefox. The "Attachment ######" links from Wilbur give me the "illegal" message.
Weeeelbuur, I clicked on all three of above attachments, and went immediately to a great picture. But, I have experienced the same Boyd is talking about previously w/othe attachments. Can't remember any specific attachment, but it has happened.
Heaviest Fattest Varmint
I'll work on that!

View attachment 13010

Does the above link work?
I think that there are so many steps involved that it is difficult for some to follow written directions, not because of any lack of potential, but simply because of differences in computer sophistication and experience.

What I think would be really good would be if someone set up a camera and shot a video of his monitor screen, including verbal comments, and possibly added captions, demonstrating every detail of posting an image. It could be uploaded to Youtube and a link to the video pinned to the top of the various forums. If I had a suitable camera, I would attempt the project...but I don't. Perhaps there is an amateur videographer among us who would take this on.