Question about Wilson case trimmer



I'm thinking about retiring my old Lyman case trimmer and getting a Wilson. My question after looking at the Wilson in photos only and not having one in my hand is...How do you maintain the trim length setting?

It looks as though you need to back out the screw at the base of the case to have enough clearance to take the shell holder and case in and out. This becomes even more unclear as to how to maintain your setting when installing the next case. It is already long, that's it's being trimmed in the first place.

I know with the Lyman I have now all you do is slide the handle out and remove the case. It has plenty of shaft to allow the clearance needed to insert and remove cases. With the Wilson it doesn't appear from the photos I've seen to have any lateral movement on the crank end.

Am I missing something by not being able to actually see and hold one of these and having to rely on pictures of the unit only? I think it would be a pain to have to adjust the screw for the proper length for each case.

Any help would be appreciated.
The cutter and handle slide out so you can install the next case.
You still need to pickout the shell holder and give the case a rap before you can change out the case in the shell holder.

What the Wilson does, is cut the neck square with the base of the case.

Like a lot of people I have two Wilson cuters. One has a mounted micrometer setup and a Sinclare base with hold down for a case holder hold down. This has to be loosen to remove the shell holder. This has a delrin knock out for the shell holder.

A little nit-picking.

A Wilson does not cut the neck square with the base. It cuts the mouth square with the body. Those with mandrels will cut the mouth square with the neck. Those that index off the shoulder will cut the mouth square with the shoulder (more or less).

I don't know of any trimmer that cuts the mouth (or neck) square with the base. And, I'm not sure you really want one that does.


I have some where over two dozen Wilson case holders, Not one of them has a shoulder they all hold the case by the body. The end of the Wilson is square or flat. This is the area that pushes against the base of the case. and sets the length of the cut. This is why the case is cut square to the base. Not to the shell holder.:D

The adjustment screw is what pushes against the base and is only for length adjustment. It does nothing to align the case. The cutter head should be in precise alignment with the case holder and, if it is, the case mouth will be square with the holder and, therefore, the case body.

Trimmers that index off the shoulder are not made by Wilson. Neither are those that have a mandrel that aligns the case (RCBS, etc).

If I may ask another question, I would like to know a little more about removing the case from the wilson trimmer case holder. It bothers me to think that one needs to tap on the case mouth to remove the case. With thin brass in this part of the case, can this be a problem?


The case is not in the holder so tightly that it takes damaging force to remove it. I trim PPC brass in my Wilson and the neck walls are as thin as any you'll find. I have a folded towel on the bench and I simply tap the case on the towel. It comes right out. Most will push out.

Get yourself one of the trimmers that index on the shoulder. They are small and handy and do a good job in less time than any other trimmer I know of. I have one for every cartridge that I load.

Jim ...

I would like to know a little more about removing the case from the wilson trimmer case holder. Jim

Calling Wilson would be a good idea. I've always found that the original source of a product can provide instructions on use that others have not yet discovered. ;)
Calling Wilson would be a good idea. I've always found that the original source of a product can provide instructions on use that others have not yet discovered. ;)

Good suggestion. Or you can actually read the instructions. They suggest using a wood block to tap the case in and out.

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Hi Jmundy, The cutter/handle works like your Lyman. The length adjustment will not have to be adjusted to remove the trimmed case. I bought the Wilson that Sinclair sells with the micrometer and all the other bells and whistles and it is fast and accurate. the micrometer makes for fast set-up with different calibers. Good Luck Lightman