PSL 2500 Gun Raffle to Benefit St. Jude


New member
Tim Stratton must be crazy because he has agreed to raffle off his Gene Davis built 40X that shot the 2500 at Piney Hill Indoor Club. 100 tickets will be sold at $50 each for a total of $5000 of which half will go to the St. Jude Children's Hospital. St. Jude treats any child that comes to their hospital. No child is turned away for any reason. They also do extensive research on cancer. The winning ticket will be drawn at the first PSL match after all 100 tickets are sold. The rifle also has a new paint job. We will post pictures of the rifle very soon. Thank you Tim Stratton for this extremely generous gesture. Call the PSL office for more information 325-212-0807.

Rifle is a 40X Shilen 4 Groove Ratchet Barrel with a Weaver T36.

Kettlefoot Challenge is almost here. Please pre-register at



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Can anyone purchase a ticket or is this only for folks attending the Piney Hill PSL match and will they only be sold at the match?

How can I purchase the raffle tickets if I'm not attending the shoot?
I would like to purchase two of them.
Anyone that can have the rifle legally transferred to them, may purchase a ticket.

To purchase a ticket just give me a call 325-212-0807 or send an e-mail

If tickets are still available, they will be for sale at the Kettlefoot Challenge May 23. Only 100 tickets will be sold.
Maybe Tim has a strategy that those who don't understand would never understand. I wouldn't say he's crazy, he has a desire to help this St. Jude Children's Hospital and this is an honorable deed. We should all do more of that. I hope that the attendance is great and I hope that his raffle works out.
Additional donation.

I would expect anyone wanting to donate additional money to St. Judes it would be OK to make out the check for any amount you would like above the ticket price.

It doesn't have to be addition 10 or 20 bucks could make a big difference at the end.

That is a very nice gesture Tim.

my reason

well folks there is really only one reason im doing what im doing and that is a smile . you see i have a two year old grandson and this grandpa thing has made me see life differently . he has the brightest bluest eyes and a smile that just makes the worst day sunny .so when i look around and see others that are not as healthy as my family i think of how to help them see the smiles and not being rich in the monetary sense i thought that the great folks that ive met thru the shooting sports could help make sure that st. judes was there for any child that needed it .this gun is a great gun created by a great smith and i feel very blessed to not only to have owned it and shot the 2500, but to be allowed to be a part of the psl.
so i want to thank all of you and wish all good luck in the draw for the 40x and at kettlefoot .thank you dan and dawn for handling the raffle
I just sent an e-mail to you. If there is one left, I'd like to buy a ticket. Just let me know who to write the check out to and where to send it.
Nice lookin!

Thanks Tim. I ponyed up for a ticket as well.
