Proposed FUN-fire (factory class) target for 50/50

Bill, Whatever you Guys decide on the rules for the FunFire, I hope it goes over very well. Something like this has needed to be done for years. There is tens of thousands of fun shooters out there. I am one of them...We tinker with bedding, triggers and making sure the barrels are floated, All on factory rifles. Some of us are using tuners. I am one of 7 guys that has been shooting against each other for over 20 yrs. The factory rifles we use are pretty diverce, they include,Some Russions, Savage MKII's, Marlin's, Rem 40-x, Win 52's Annies, Ruger 77/22's, BRNO's And the acasional 10/22. All have the factory barrels and actions (x-cept for the Rugers). Scopes are mostly Weaver 36x, Loopies 24x, 36x and 45x45 with some Tasco 24x and 36x's. Anyway there is alot of us out here that love to shoot rimfire. I wish Y'all the best of luck in the future of FunFire.



It is good to hear your input. I am sure that there are many "FUN-fire shooters out there just like you and your friends. Jim Pollard from Llano has been toying around with this target for a few days and he reports that he likes it for factory rifles at 50 and it might also be a great 25 yard iron sights target.

I am beginning to see the complexion of setting the rules for this class of shooting. It seems so simple on first glance, yet there are many traps and land mines along the way. For this to work at clubs across the country and be posted for all to see, there must be uniform rules that are practical, simple, and fair.

I am beginning to see and respect what a job Wilbur and other rule writers have. I sure would hate to see rules that are so restrictive that a person would worry about adjusting the trigger or improving the bedding on his rifle.

One of the funny things I have heard said by someone about this was the statement, "I am going to have to build myself a factory rifle".:) I don't think he was serious but one never knows.

Concho Bill
Bill I hope you didn't take my post to Wilbur as negative. Actually, quite the opposite. I think a class like this would be great, but would it really be fair for guys with 40X, or one like I have, an older Walther that will shoot, to compete with lesser factory guns just because we shoot a factory barrel or action.

I have no idea how to advise you other than to take the time to get it right from the start. I think the rewards could be great.


I don't think you've ever had a negative thought, much less written it down.

The problem with factory, plinker, etc... rules is that they are impossible to write within the definition of the term "rule" and still maintain the intent of what you're trying to do in the first place. Pretty sure we'll need to go outside the box on this one - way outside.

Bill, Whatever you Guys decide on the rules for the FunFire, I hope it goes over very well. Something like this has needed to be done for years. There is tens of thousands of fun shooters out there. I am one of them...We tinker with bedding, triggers and making sure the barrels are floated, All on factory rifles. Some of us are using tuners. I am one of 7 guys that has been shooting against each other for over 20 yrs. The factory rifles we use are pretty diverce, they include,Some Russions, Savage MKII's, Marlin's, Rem 40-x, Win 52's Annies, Ruger 77/22's, BRNO's And the acasional 10/22. All have the factory barrels and actions (x-cept for the Rugers). Scopes are mostly Weaver 36x, Loopies 24x, 36x and 45x45 with some Tasco 24x and 36x's. Anyway there is alot of us out here that love to shoot rimfire. I wish Y'all the best of luck in the future of FunFire.


What are the chances that you (or any of the 7 guys you mention) will get involved in this "Fun-Fire" game?

It is just a game. You are kidding?

I have no friends who would care to win such a minor game by those methods. However, this being Texas, we would just string both of 'em up.:)

That would be justified.

Concho Bill

Just my two cents:
If somebody would do such a thing, they're not having FUN!
:rolleyes: After all ............. the prizes are very tempting!:eek:
I am just glad there is some thought of allowing folks on a limited budget access to shooting with us. If you look at most of the competitions, the participants are older and probably more financially able to afford the cost of the equipment to compete. This allows everyone the opportunity to shoot in competition for fun, and have a chance with their favorite .22 rifle. Great idea, and I am certain if it gets enough publicity, it will take off. I know I will shoot in one if every available in the Houston area, and I can afford the more expensive stuff but would rather shoot FUN FIRE!

We had 4 Fun Fire shooters at our IR 50/50 unlimited Match last weekend
They all had lots of Fun
We Gave them the same Awards that we Gave to the
IR 50/50 Shooters 1st, 2nd ,and 3rd. Place certificates and IR 50/50
Class winners Pins

My understanding is There is Only two Rules they are
{ Stock Action and Stock Barrel }

Anything else is Legal

I never had a thought that someone might shoot
Part of another shooters target

I dont think they needed any help they all shot Good Scores
The winning scores were from 247, and 248

We plan to offer the Fun Fire Targets at all of our SOTY matches this year
and Plan to recognize them at our Year End

I feel this is a great way to bring in new shooters to Rimfire
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The Fun fire thing sounds like FUN! I may build me one of them funfire rifles. Are the targets bigger or smaller?
Think HUGE . The 10 ring looks about the same size as the ARA 100 ring. Have not measured one but that is how big they look
If it is fun and it gets new shooters, it is terrific. Maybe I won't sell my factory ULA after all. Of course if they shoot at same time as the other classes I may have a problem. Can you post and shoot two targets at same time?
Might have to invent a new rest, but that's an idea. I like the idea of bigger targets because I can't see very well any more.

The FUN-FIRE’s don’t have to be Squirrel Rifle’s

This is like Nationwide of Nascar

Lets don’t start down playing this game and discourage New Shooters

Its shoot what you bring as long as the
Action and Barrel is factory

Anschutz 2013, 1913, 1907, 54.18
Winchester 52’s
Remington 40-X 541, 513, 521,
Suhl’s, Kimber’s, Cooper’s,
And any other factory Barrel Action is legal

Leave it up to the New Shooters they will enter
Where they belong and I don’t think we will have to Police it.
Encourage don’t discourage

This is an advange for all of Us
Lets be Positive about the New Game

Thank’s To The New Shooter’s
Welcome To Our Sport
Your Friend,
The Fun fire thing sounds like FUN! I may build me one of them funfire rifles. Are the targets bigger or smaller?

The rings are almost exactly twice the size of the regular 50/50 target. A shooter could shoot all nines on the regular 50/50 target and still score a 250 on a FUN-fire target that was placed underneath it.

We are having a lot of fun with the FUN-fire target here in San Angelo and no one has tried to cheat.

With the wind and a new shooter who has not shot factory benchrest, this is still quite a challenging target.

By the way, I have printed a few more.

Contact me for targets at

Concho Bill
Well, I wasn't trying to down play the game. If it came off like that, I apologize. I was serious, I have several 52's and 40X's and it'd be fun to shoot 'em for FUN. As Don said though, you can't shot both classes at the same time. Maybe as the FUN FIRE game evolves there will be enough shooters to hold a match just for the FUN FIRE game.
As a new shooter I would like to thank Wilbur and Cliff for the fun-fire. I shot at Kettlefoot last weekend and had a blast. Thanks to all that attended I would have to say I could not have been around a nicer bunch of men. Everyone was willing to help and answer questions. I think this is a great way to get your feet wet and learn the sport without jumping in up to your neck.
As Don said though, you can't shot both classes at the same time. Maybe as the FUN FIRE game evolves there will be enough shooters to hold a match just for the FUN FIRE game.

Maybe I missed something. I thought the point was to shoot both classes at the same time. I'm thinking IR 50/50 UL and Fun-Fire on the same relay.

If we had to shoot separate relays for IR 50/50 and Fun-Fire, it would make for a very long of a day?

I'm interested in hearing of how other MDs are planning on mixing the Fun- Fire shooters with the IR 50/50.

FUN-fire is designed to be shot at the same time as a regular 50/50 match and scored at the same time as the 50/50 targets but the scores must be kept separate because, as we all understand, the two targets are different.

Jim Jones,
I am glad to hear your response to the FUN-fire match. I hope that we have something that will attract new shooters to all the fun we are having. I believe that you can learn the game of 22 benchrest shooting with this target. stick with it and we will teach you everything we know and then you can teach us.

Concho Bill