Bill Wynne
Active member
Bill, Whatever you Guys decide on the rules for the FunFire, I hope it goes over very well. Something like this has needed to be done for years. There is tens of thousands of fun shooters out there. I am one of them...We tinker with bedding, triggers and making sure the barrels are floated, All on factory rifles. Some of us are using tuners. I am one of 7 guys that has been shooting against each other for over 20 yrs. The factory rifles we use are pretty diverce, they include,Some Russions, Savage MKII's, Marlin's, Rem 40-x, Win 52's Annies, Ruger 77/22's, BRNO's And the acasional 10/22. All have the factory barrels and actions (x-cept for the Rugers). Scopes are mostly Weaver 36x, Loopies 24x, 36x and 45x45 with some Tasco 24x and 36x's. Anyway there is alot of us out here that love to shoot rimfire. I wish Y'all the best of luck in the future of FunFire.
It is good to hear your input. I am sure that there are many "FUN-fire shooters out there just like you and your friends. Jim Pollard from Llano has been toying around with this target for a few days and he reports that he likes it for factory rifles at 50 and it might also be a great 25 yard iron sights target.
I am beginning to see the complexion of setting the rules for this class of shooting. It seems so simple on first glance, yet there are many traps and land mines along the way. For this to work at clubs across the country and be posted for all to see, there must be uniform rules that are practical, simple, and fair.
I am beginning to see and respect what a job Wilbur and other rule writers have. I sure would hate to see rules that are so restrictive that a person would worry about adjusting the trigger or improving the bedding on his rifle.
One of the funny things I have heard said by someone about this was the statement, "I am going to have to build myself a factory rifle".
Concho Bill