Proposal For Reducing Classes



It does not appear that USA Sporter is gaining any foothold with shooters. It has been proposed to eliminate this class in order to make room for another class in the future that may draw more attention.

Any thoughts on the subject?
Sporter class

Down here in Arizona we have never received a request to open the Sporter category. It has never been even remotely brought up. There has been no desire from this end.
Our stats are about 80-90% Open, 15-20% HV, 5-10% Spring. LV is dry.
You have my vote on removal.
We are however, seeing a revival of springers. Now if there is ever a discussion on making that a class, you have my vote for that. We find most folks come with a springer to start, and quickly realize how difficult it is to compete against PCP and quickly move to open. But everyone has one somewhere.

Kind regards,


Thanks for your input. We did try a springer class but it also was not very popular.
Wait and See!

We have a couple of shooters with the Cricket Bull-Pup in .22 cal. shooting over 20 ft lbs to over 30 ft lbs.
These guys are Hunter/plinkers but would like to play. They have lower power scopes and the fore ends are not completely flat. These guys have just purchased.

Each club is going to have this category of rifles as well as piston rifles. The .22 over at around 30 ft lbs is probably owed by the majority of PCP shooters. Break Barrel piston rifles probably the largest category.

Why not let most any class that does not meet the LV, HV, Open rules shoot and turn in some scores. The idea is to hook them. We can not catch em' if we do not bait the hook. No one wants to turn away anyone who has an air rifle and wants to shoot.

I would favor that over the Production Class or a combination.

Bob Zimmerman

Are you suggesting that Production class be eliminated and we keep Sporter? A combination, "Everythingelse" class would work but it would not be fair with springers, Marauders and $2,000 bullpups competing together. Give me a little help here.
Mebby the thing to do

Is to go the ARA route and make it an unlimited competition. That way, multiple rifles becomes a non issue. Folks can simply focus on one gun and make it shoot. In doing that, don't allow rifles to be shared in competition.


An interesting alternative but with so much of what we do predicated on the WRABF rules, I don't see a way to go to one class. As it is, if you had a competitive LV rifle, you could shoot in every other class with that one gun.
Yes, one good gun


An interesting alternative but with so much of what we do predicated on the WRABF rules, I don't see a way to go to one class. As it is, if you had a competitive LV rifle, you could shoot in every other class with that one gun.

Fear the man with one gun, eh? It will all shake out sooner or later. I must say I am disappointed with the slow growth of Air Gun Benchrest. I did notice a match was held in North Florida some place recently though. Had I known, I would have brought my EV2.
