tim, was that your opening post on the thread, "It took five pages but we went from PSL to 200 yard string measurements. I propose we have one match for spider monkeys shooting revolvers. Is this a great country or what? "
That's all I could find, and I never tried to parse it. But, if I had, I don't know that I'd have translated it to "cordial".
jGEE, you can represent me any time. But it's not a big deal if they shoot me down or not. Just like sweeping dirt under the rug never made for less dirt, killing this thread is not going to make these guys nice or polite. They gotta do what they gotta do.
I just don't know why old Hovie got so chicken over a simple shooting match where he holds all the advantage.
Post #112. I'm assuming you read it-you responded to it.