Hi Guys
How meany of you use probs and how do you used them
Thanks Chris
How meany of you use probs and how do you used them
Thanks Chris
Hi Guys
How meany of you use probs and how do you used them
Thanks Chris
I like the Begg's style probes best as the cups can be set at the same height as your flags. Also I feel like their easier to see.
I own an small original & large model of the same design/quality.
Are their any other probes that seem to in use
probes show no vertical or diaginal conditions..I like the Begg's style probes best as the cups can be set at the same height as your flags. Also I feel like their easier to see.
I own an small original & large model of the same design/quality.
probes show no vertical or diaginal conditions..
any i have seen shows no in and out movement or diaginal either and i have seen many differnt oneswhy would you say that billy?
with cups on,any i have seen shows no in and out movement or diaginal either and i have seen many differnt ones
with cups on,
the daisy is for direction onlyan small drift its up to you toread the vain and tail one tail is enough two tails is one to many.with cups on,
the daisy is for direction onlyan small drift its up to you toread the vain and tail one tail is enough two tails is one to many.
you could be right but we arent talking aboutcross any one could that i said daignal or straight in and out puit on good glasses that what need to find that on probes.billy, you are completely lost on this. I guess that you are not aware of cross wind component. You would be better off if somebody would give you a little ojt on them to understand what they are telling you.
I'll leave this alone as it is a waste of my one typing finger.