


Hi Guys
How meany of you use probs and how do you used them
Thanks Chris
Hi Guys
How meany of you use probs and how do you used them
Thanks Chris


You may need to define what you mean by "probes".

There are many devices used to read the wind and many names to define them.

I myself use 5 flags (Ezell) and two windicators (Beggs).

How to use them is more "art" than science and it takes a while to learn. Not to mention flags, windicators, and probes all lie from time to time just to keep it interesting.

But shooting a rimfire in most conditions without some way to read the wind is like shooting blind.

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I use 4 flag setups. For me, a setup is a flag stand with a dual vane wick style flag on the top and a Besche windicator directly below. I use a 5 lb barbell weight on the bottom to keep them from blowing over. I like the dual vanes as I can read direction better with them and I don't like to use props, they distract me. For me, that is about all I can comprehend.
I agree with Jerry with regards to the propellers. I use four flags and I use two different weight sail tails depending on wind conditions (.75 ounce and 1.5 ounce). Between the flag and tail direction and flag angle, I have enough to watch.
Everybody has their ideas about flags. I started with flags with a small vane and light floppy tails.I next bought 6 of Don Nielson's real high quality flags with daisy wheels, next were Charlie Hood double vane flags with and without daisy wheels, next were 4 Beggs wind probes, next were what I use now, 6 BRT flags with props, not daisies. I do use a wind probe between my first and second flag and another between the second and third. I like the BRT props as they start and stop instantly with a pickup or letup. I found the daisies to be slow to start and they are a flywheel after the wind quits.
Good information

Thanks guys
What seems to best probe thanks
I like the Begg's style probes best as the cups can be set at the same height as your flags. Also I feel like their easier to see.
I own an small original & large model of the same design/quality.

I also like the Beggs for the reasons Keith mentioned PLUS I really like that its' display is the same direction as the wind. Probes that have the dial at the bottom read opposite the direction of the wind and that's one more complication to deal with when looking at all those flags and probes. I just wish they weren't so pricey.
Are their any other probes that seem to in use



You really need to get out to a match. You will see about every kind of device you can think of being used to read the wind.
Everyone has their favorites. They all work to some degree, but none are perfect.
You have to decide what you like and use them enough to learn what they are telling you.

Hope to see you at a match somewhere.

The challenge is it's all personal preference. I have and tried to use Beggs design windprobes, but never really became comfortable (or maybe a better word is confident) with them. I think another important aspect is deciding/understanding how to use them. For me, the idea of a windicator/probe of any sort is more about knowing when NOT to shoot rather than trying to use it to gauge how far to hold off, etc. If you are trying to use it to hold off, I think you will just frustrate yourself unless you really have a lot of experience with them over time.

I personally decided that I liked the idea of a windicator on each flag as I feel it gives me a better representation across a broader range. I liked the concept of the Besche windicators, but I didn't like that they are essentially "reversed" to the actual direction of the wind meaning if the wind is coming from the right, the pointer actually goes right which is the opposite direction the wind is pushing the bullet. Now, based on my other statement above about using it to determine when not to shoot, that shouldn't really matter, but in my mind I wanted to see the indicator going in the direction the wind was going to push the bullet.

I decided to make my own windicators as shown below. Not saying they are the best or answer for anyone else, but I like them the best of what I have used so far. The simple point as mentioned by Tony above is to go watch some and decide what you think you can understand the best. No one thing works for everyone.

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I have a Beggs probe that I do not use. Will sell reasonable. PM if interested.IMG_2451.jpeg

this is now sold.....
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the daisy is for direction onlyan small drift its up to you toread the vain and tail one tail is enough two tails is one to many.

Billy, you are completely lost on this. I guess that you are not aware of cross wind component. You would be better off if somebody would give you a little OJT on them to understand what they are telling you.
I'll leave this alone as it is a waste of my one typing finger.
billy, you are completely lost on this. I guess that you are not aware of cross wind component. You would be better off if somebody would give you a little ojt on them to understand what they are telling you.
I'll leave this alone as it is a waste of my one typing finger.
you could be right but we arent talking aboutcross any one could that i said daignal or straight in and out puit on good glasses that what need to find that on probes.