primer pockets loose after only 1 firing

4-5 years ago I would take Lapua 6BR brass out of the box add 31.5 grains of Varget and go shooting.Today I take the brass out of the box load it with 28 grains of Varget and lose 5-8 cases out of every 100 because they will no longer hold a primer.
My fathers Dasher has now broken 2 jewell triggers with the new brass and light loads and in the past it was never a problem with heavy loads.
We now shoot all of our brass twice before using loads that have worked for 8+ years.
The good old days are gone.

Thanks Lynn,
I thought that I was the lone ranger on this one
I still shoot a load very similar to yours you posted in my 1000 yd light gun in my 6br and seriously have shot that hot of a load 4 or more times with no primer problems at all !!!!

I hope it all has not gone to far south with the company's quality
I sure have loved there stuff
Are your cases extracting as they should ?

Yes that's the kicker...come out smooth as can be no bolt lift or extraction issues at all... tiny bit of ejector wipe

I mean tiny if you look in the light just right you can see it
Some times a bolt has a slight bur around the ejector hole in the bolt face
and will show a scrape mark on case heads. If your brass is soft enough
or pressure high enough to loosen pockets, you should also be having some
extraction problems. Primers commonly seat harder in new cases than
ones previously fired, that said, how loose are these pockets ?
Some times a bolt has a slight bur around the ejector hole in the bolt face
and will show a scrape mark on case heads. If your brass is soft enough
or pressure high enough to loosen pockets, you should also be having some
extraction problems. Primers commonly seat harder in new cases than
ones previously fired, that said, how loose are these pockets ?


They were as loose as cases that have been fired and wore out after your about to throw them away !!! ie zero resistance from priming tool

so I think we have a combo effect of soft brass and on the edge (I guess) of pressure going into effect
Your not alone in this but alot of guys buy 500 or 1,000 pieces of brass and it will last them 10 years.They read your post and think you are adding 90 grains of powder and don't know what your doing when they haven't shot any new brass in years.After the last big shortage I bought a 1000 cases and they were junk when compared to the good old days.I waited a year and bought another 1000 cases hoping things were better and they weren't.
If you fire the brass twice with wimpy loads your normal loads won't be a problem but if you try them out of the box you'll soon be spending money on triggers and new brass.
I never knew how long some of these guys kept there barrels and brass until I recently read about some 1000 yard shooters with 10 year old barrels and brass.
Waterboy aka Lynn
Your not alone in this but alot of guys buy 500 or 1,000 pieces of brass and it will last them 10 years.They read your post and think you are adding 90 grains of powder and don't know what your doing when they haven't shot any new brass in years.After the last big shortage I bought a 1000 cases and they were junk when compared to the good old days.I waited a year and bought another 1000 cases hoping things were better and they weren't.
If you fire the brass twice with wimpy loads your normal loads won't be a problem but if you try them out of the box you'll soon be spending money on triggers and new brass.
I never knew how long some of these guys kept there barrels and brass until I recently read about some 1000 yard shooters with 10 year old barrels and brass.
Waterboy aka Lynn

Thanks Lynn...

I can not believe how disappointed I am with this last batch of Lapua brass

I appreciate your posts as well

they need to make sure they watch there quality