price of fuel and shooting in matches.

I just started shooting IR5050 last year, and could not afford going to the out of town matches. Now that were looking at $4 gas and 50% increase in ammo prices, I can totally forget shooting anywhere but home.

I asked some of the guys what a weekend match cost them last year. It came out around $300 when you figure in gas, ammo, entry fee, food and sharing a room.

I guess that would push the cost close to $400 this year?

I spent my entire budget on enough ammo to get me through the upcoming season. Unless I hit a lotto ticket, I'll be shooting at Bullseye only. My plans were to shoot Bullseye and Piedmont matches this year. I'll just have to keep a close eye on ammo consumption and play it by ear.
We are very lucky...

in that we will have twelve matches here in Harrison this year... maybe more. We have ten centerfire matches scheduled, five score and five group. These matches are 20 minutes from my home.

We have two 25 and 50 yd. rimfire matches scheduled and will try to have a couple more if the turnout justifys it. These are our first rimfire matches and they will use Joe Haller's very successful formula.

Glorya and I attended Joe's match in Sault Ste. Marie, MI last August. He had about 40 competitors show up. If you don't think this is a big deal you don't understand that "The Soo" is in the U.P. and most of the way to the North Pole. We had to chase a couple of polar bears away, Santa Claus dropped in the watch for a while, we had to eat pasties (Yuk!), most of the folks speak Finnish and a good time, etc, etc...

First Harrison rimfire match is June 9th. Call or email me for details. Save (my) gas... shoot in Harrison.

Dick Wright
On a cold and windy day . . .


The waves froze solid at the Straits of Mackinac. 50 miles SOUTH of Sault Ste. Marie. Or as we call it: Da Soo.

But Hey! It's nice UP here in da summer time.

The old timers UP here had a saying:

"3 months Spring. 3 months Fall. 6 months Winter. And: No Summer at all".

But: Late Spring & Early Fall are REALLY nice UP here. That's June, July and August. Like the Rio Grande Valley in January, February and March.

Some of you might even think the trip UP during our SPRING TIME would be worth the cost of the gasoline.

Joe Haller

Gordon Gauge gave me another name: (Mr Frosty)

Both Mike Conway and I tentatively plan to be at your April 20th match. Mike wants a taste of rimfire shooting in your format before we have our first match on 9 June. Any old excuse works for me.

Pray for a nice day.:)
