Precision loading with a Dillon 550

This began as a most informative thread and then it went downhill.
Oh, Alinwa and Mikeinco stepped in.
If people are interested in the use of a Dillon 550 for accuracy reloading, they should read the first page of this thread, I mean hawser.

bill larson
This began as a most informative thread and then it went downhill.
Oh, Alinwa and Mikeinco stepped in.
If people are interested in the use of a Dillon 550 for accuracy reloading, they should read the first page of this thread, I mean hawser.

Ohh yeahhh, my bad... hey guys, ignore posts by everyone but uhthink and blarson and it's still an informative thread. Just be selective, it's a pain but get your info from The Smart Ones and you'll still gain something.

Shoot, search uhthink and blarson, read only their posts and you'll get purely the Good Stuff!

That's the nice thing about reading, you only have to read what you want :)
You're there to win rather than "do well". Moving up from 5th to 4th is good, but not exactly what you're looking for.

Do you think most folks at registered matches are "there to win"? I know some are; however, I suspect the primary motivation for most folks being there is something other than to win.
Hunter, i can't speak for Al but here is a link to a thread that talks about this. and, i'm fairly sure Al isn't talking about 'two bullets of significant different MV'. Keith gives a good explanation in post 26.

Great linkie afrench! :)

I misdoubt any of these whiners will actually go over and read it, they'd rather stir the pot here than learn anything, but yes Keith does a good job.

To those who do want to, you've got to klik back a page at the link.

Here's a sample.....

I'll give it a "shot." If every cartridge in a group produced the same muzzle velocity and bullet exit time, compensation would not be required. But if we take as a given that there will be a range of velocities and bullet exit times within a group, we know from external ballistics alone that if the bullets are launched at the same angle, the slower bullets will hit the target lower. To get them to hit the target at the same elevation, we want to point the muzzle higher for the slower bullets. How do we know which bullets are slower? They are the ones that also travel through the barrel slower and have a later bullet exit time. How do we achieve compensation without knowing a priori which bullets are slower? We tune the system so that the muzzle angle is rising throughout the interval when all the bullets exit. For perfect compensation, the muzzle needs to be at just the right angle to offset the extra drop that occurs for the slower bullet at the distance we are shooting. At longer ranges, we need the muzzle angle to be higher for the slow bullet than at short range. Thus the muzzle angle must be increasing faster, because the delay time for the slow bullet is the same. VarmintAl shows a nice graph of this principle for a 22RF at 50 and 100 yards. I hope he doesn't mind me attaching it here.Click image for larger version.

Name: Trajectory 22LR 50&100.jpg
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ID: 15314

Geoffrey Kolbe wrote a nice article about compensation here:

I think of tuners as fine-tuning the high frequency noise out of the muzzle angle path. Changing yardages requires a substantial change in the overall angular velocity of the muzzle. In principle, this could be done by moving the tuner (a lot), but I choose to make the big change some other way (e.g., moving the forend in the front rest) and keep the tuner for fine-tuning, so that I don't lose track of multiple turns.

Hope this helps,
It was me that posted about the hummer barrels. Don't beat up Al about it , I am a grown up and can take my abuse when I deserve it. That said now that I have read MKS's explanation I know I will never be any good at competitive benchrest as the idea of this never occurred to me, let alone the means to actually implement this in to setting up a gun. How does a shooter learn what works and what doesn't, I would endlessly shoot out barrels trying all the different ideas I see here and other places.
It was me that posted about the hummer barrels. Don't beat up Al about it , I am a grown up and can take my abuse when I deserve it. That said now that I have read MKS's explanation I know I will never be any good at competitive benchrest as the idea of this never occurred to me, let alone the means to actually implement this in to setting up a gun. How does a shooter learn what works and what doesn't, I would endlessly shoot out barrels trying all the different ideas I see here and other places.

You cant do it all. You have to go to actual matches and talk to real world winners and see how they do it. Youll not see scales that weigh to the thousanth gn in the loading boxes nor chronographs on the line. You wont see weight sorted primers nor repointed bullets. You wont see boxes of preloaded ammo nor infrared high speed cameras. Sometimes we have to just take a deep breath and go to an actual match. Then youll see the same stuff that always worked still does. Better equipment with the same technique. Buckys just shot a .13xx agg in a match at the nats- man come on!!
You cant do it all. You have to go to actual matches and talk to real world winners and see how they do it. Youll not see scales that weigh to the thousanth gn in the loading boxes nor chronographs on the line. You wont see weight sorted primers nor repointed bullets. You wont see boxes of preloaded ammo nor infrared high speed cameras. Sometimes we have to just take a deep breath and go to an actual match. Then youll see the same stuff that always worked still does. Better equipment with the same technique. Buckys just shot a .13xx agg in a match at the nats- man come on!!

Of course this would be a 100/200 Group Match Dusty.....As My Post Clearly States!

Or are you saying that at your 600-1000yd matches NOBODY points bullets and NOBODY weighs charges and NOBODY preloads and se??? Especially not "the winners?"

Besides, Buckys shoots a tuner..... don't even GO there about "same-as-it-evah-was".....

What happened to neck sizing at 3250?


Ohhh, and BTW, to alla' you'se reading this....... I dunno as where Dusty's coming from here, or what he's saying, but I will state as FACT that Buckys "tunes" exactly as stated. And his buddy Jack Neary has seminars on it.....

And I do agree, "Go to a match."

Ohhh, and BTW, to alla' those reading this to learn.... the "Gene" referred to in the linkie is Gene Beggs, a man dedicated enough to the sport that he's installed an underground 100yd testing range....

And yeahh, this fellow "Gene" even went to a match once't.....

I just don't understand why some folks want to tear down the giants,

in anything.

Aint trying to tear anybody down its just that sometimes the people in the background gets discouraged when they think they cant compete. Not too many years ago people thought they couldnt shoot in a match unless they had a locked up scope when at actual matches that was far from true. They should come to a match and try it out. Somebody will throw a setup in front of em and theyll have fun.
Aint trying to tear anybody down its just that sometimes the people in the background gets discouraged when they think they cant compete. Not too many years ago people thought they couldnt shoot in a match unless they had a locked up scope when at actual matches that was far from true. They should come to a match and try it out. Somebody will throw a setup in front of em and theyll have fun.

Dusty, I couldn't agree more!!!

It's like racing, all you need to race is access to a set of, buy, beg, borrow or steal a set but get out and DRIVE.....

It's just that ON THIS FORUM there are "shooters" as well as "builders" and "designers" and "tinkers" and "writers" and lots of flatout speculators BUT.... on this forum, if an idea has merit it will get tried, on this forum if a question is raised IT WILL GET ANSWERED. This just happens to be where the real innovators hang out, engineers and machinists and guys who actually work to EXPLAIN what happens. I will never downplay the enormous outlay of talent, time, energy and MONEY from guys like Buckys, Beggs, Borden, Murdica, Jackson(both of them)Vaughn, The McMillans, Eric Stecker, and the late Skip Otto, and my late buddy Frank L Murphy.... and and ON and ON and ON to name just a few..... yes, and including Billy and Bart.

And you.


I'm not trying to make it seem hard.

ALL'S ya gotta' do is go to a match, borrow, then buy a gun and SHOOT!

The greatest drivers have no idea how to build a car.

Tiger Woods has NO IDEA how to design a club.

But here, when the question is asked, the builders are available.

And the information is available. I just don't understand the arguments over "what's important"

It's ALL important, we need the people in all facets from the design to the range, to but most of all, IT'S ALL FUN!!

I say, get in wherever/however you can get in but GET IN!

Accuracy is infectious, addictive.

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Something definately changed

Don't know what it is but the aggregate scores are much smaller than they were when I quit attending....the average aggs as well as the winning aggs.
Don't know what it is but the aggregate scores are much smaller than they were when I quit attending....the average aggs as well as the winning aggs.

Yeahh, when the whole top half of the page is "in the ones and low twos....."

Just Curious. What were the conditions like at Holton for the Nationals this year?

Those were some unbelievable aggs,put up by some of the best in the Sport. Not surprising to me.

One of the records in jeopardy of being replaced ,as a result of this match, has been around a very long time.

Great Shooting.
