Practicing at 10 meters for 25 yard Matches?



Here is a question for you experts. I've just begun shooting 25 yard. I only have a 10 meter range in my basement to practice on because winter is here in New England. So here is the question. Assuming 25 yards is 2.5 times the distance that 10 yards is, if I miss a target at 10 yards by say 1/16 (.0615) inch, then can you assume the miss at 25 yards would be .0615 x 2.5? or is it .0615 x 1.5 because you are taking the miss measurement at 10 yards, which leaves 1.5 x 10 further to go. Or, can't you interpolate it this way at all?

My plan was to shot 25 targets at 10 yards and map the results to 25 for a rough score to gauge any progress.

Hi Tim,

I have about 60' in my garage and it did not corelate to the extra 15 feet @ Holbrook. The Pellets that worked in my garage did not shoot well @ Holbrook and the pellets that did not shoot so well in my garage were the best I had with me @ Holbrook. I have found the same with RF ammo, ergo, I believe Tune is a pretty big item with Airguns and issue to deal with. Temperature, elevation and ambient conditions have a pretty big effect on how rifles perform.

Now, perhaps I haven't "Stopped the Muzzles" I have but there is more lurking than is generally known. Perhaps some folks have barrels that will ignore all the items I mentioned but the rest of us have some work to do. This is what makes the whole thing interesting though, isn't it?
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Hi Pet is right . If a rifle pellet combo shoots well at 10M dos not mean it well do good at 25M . Same for 25m to 50m and so on . I shoot out my basement window in the winter , can you do that ? The more trigger time the better , but be ready to make changes as the distances and conditions change . 10 M shooters well put there rifles in a vice to try different pellet . They are not happy with any thing other than 1 pellet size hole . That combo rarely shoots good at 25m and further .