PPC case work with a Mauser Extractor?


xs hedspace

Need advice, y'all. I built this BR rifle on a 1916 DWM action, about 10 years ago, and chambered for a wildcat, a 220Swift case wayyyy shortened, and necked for 6mm. The Wiseman McMillan 14" twist barrel will shoot in the teens, if the wind don't blow. I'm getting old and tired of doing all this sizing and reaming on this case, and would like to set the barrel back a few threads, and rechamber to 6 PPC. Now, if I grind the extractor front guide lip back, so the extractor hook will come in a few thou, the PPC case should be OK for extraction, right?? It's a single shot anyway, so all I need it to do is pull the case, not fling it into the weeds. Seems OK to me, but I figure somebody here has some experience with this. BTW, I recently read that Pindell tried doing this same 220 Swift thing, for a smaller case capacity 30 years ago, but found that the brass was so thick, that bumping the shoulder back was a PITA. Guess what? He's a smart man.
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Yes, the Mauser extractor will pull a PPC....at least the ones that I've seen will. You can of course buy an extractor blank and grind it to suit. You may or may not get reliable ejection..I don't remember. My first BR rifle build was a 09' Argentine. It shot pretty good, but you do know of the hill you are about to climb, I hope.--Mike
When I made up my 22ppc on a Mauser I had to go to the blank extractor from Brownells.With the original extractor there were problems.After fitting the blank,extraction issues were solved.
Is there a reason, for not chambering the rifle to 22BR?
Yeah, the barrel is 6mm. I thought about 6mm BR, but the PPC case is the same capacity as my shortened Swift case, and like I said, I have a load that shoots 65 gr bullets in the teens, now. Either way I have to set the barrel back. BTW, the action is speedlocked with a fluted firing pin, and a Canjar SS trigger, and bedding blocked in a laminated stock. I have more time than money, besides, I get credits for my Bubba Gunsmith's Apprentice course.
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