PPC Alternate Shell holder for looser fit?

Has anybody done a comparison of straight versus not straight rounds in terms of accuracy? I'm somewhat serious with this question as I don't really know. All I ever did was replace the spent items to some degree and shot again.

FWIW I have. Not "extensively" but several hundred rounds.

I did the same thing wit' me' Juenke. More rounds than the straight VS crookedy test....

It is because of these tests that I now use fitted dies exclusively.

And haven't spun a bullet for 15yrs.......


Thanks for the reply! I've got some more questions but need to start another thread as I don't want to hijack this one into something else....
Hijack away. My purpose in starting this thread was to solicit a little information. Beyond that, any discussion, is a pure bonus, even if less than directly related to the original question.
Beyond that, any discussion, is a pure bonus, even if less than directly related to the original question.

I miss Mikeinco at a time like this.
Oh, I know, Dusty.
It has taken great restraint on my part not to jump into a couple of threads.
Would it be alright if I jump in?
I believe that I addressed that particular question in my post to Wilbur. If you have something to contribute to the discussion, by all means tell us.
As this is all based on theory, you are probably better suited to discuss what may or may not happen as a result of crooked cases, misaligned bullets, improper loads, ad nausea.
Now, go to the range and prove it. Let's say you do it in a BR, or any other type, match where the results can be measured relative to the practices of others. Perhaps you can go at midnight with PAUL REVERE. Also, there is such a thing as private message. I would think that would be the place to ask a private question. All else is out in the open for all to see and comment on.
I think that your comment as to what I may or may not be suited to do is out of line, and that your assertion that meaningful testing is only done at matches incorrect. Shooters conduct meaningful comparisons all the time when they tune loads, and do other sorts of testing. As long as the tests are done carefully, the results are valid. Also, I have a friend who has a tunnel. Would you say that the thousands of test rounds that he has fired have not yielded meaningful results? Some of us seem to run to the negative...perpetually. Who are you? As it happens, I have seen some improvement in accuracy from using straighter brass.
Nothing that you can do to a rifle or load will override a missed condition, or make up for a misjudged starting load, unless you bring more than one to the line, something that I understand that only a few shooters indulge in. Also, I believe that there is a limit to what improvement in certain areas can do, given all the other noise that is involved. On the other hand, if we can discover ways to produce ammunition that is more dimensionally correct, I think that there is no harm, and it may in fact bolster confidence in our equipment, which never hurts. None of this stuff is a substitute for a shooter's skill.
I can tell you this, all the testing on earth doesn't mean crap if it doesn't produce on Saturday morning.

Your ignorance is showing......

The dude with the tunnel???

Yeahh, he produces on saturday morning

I can tell you this

(altho you won't lissen)

Then guys like Vaughn and McCoy and now Litz write books on the subjects, and guys like you say "what did they ever win?"


None of this stuff is a substitute for a shooter's skill.

Sure it is.

A complete newbie with a hummer will mostly beat a seasoned veteran with a crap setup. Happens all the time.

Then there are a few guys who can do both. They're in the HOF, they WOULD NOT BE with poor barrels/technique.
Engage brain before speaking or typing.

A complete newbie should not face a seasoned vet with a crap set up.

Are you comparing Boyd to Vaughn, Litz, and McCoy?

Whose testing comes close to Beggs's tunnel shooting. Not mine, yours, or Boyd's.
We all do the best we can with what we have :). I made a mistake. I have two friends with tunnels.

Getting back to the shell holder thing. I don't delude my self by thinking that this sort of thing is a big deal, but I do enjoy trying to make things work better, and every once in a while, I succeed.
I misspoke re tunnel setups ....... sorry to have stepped in Boyd, my bad. But good tip re stopping to let the case center up.

Uthink, "woulda' coulda' shoulda'"...... like it or not a good setup will make a newbie look good.

Even I can win more wood than I should, because my gear is awesome.
