powder scale & making coffee

Now Tim T. you are talking now nothing like a cold frosted mug of a great beer. Nor two large fingers of a good bourbon, toss in a McCallan 12 year old scotch. Can go for that just about any time.

I knew it, I knew it. There are limp wrists here that frequent Starbucks.
And Alinwa, as I once told a limp wrist, "That's a fag bag". I felt safe in telling him/her that as I outweighed him, appeared to be in better shape than him, and I figured he only had mascara, rouge, powder, and lipstick in his fagbag. Nothing that could hurt me. Heck, he may have even had a bag of Starbucks in the bag.

Now Francis,

Don't be knocking us Starbucks drinkers. I went to the extreme because After reading the book, " The joy of coffee", you find out how to make really great tasting coffee. The whole history of the beans, where they come from, and who buys what type is contained there-in.
A "Burr" grinder is a must, as is a stainless caraff, paper filter, filtered water, and cooled down after boiling to 196 degrees.
Pour slowly as to not make the grounds come all the way up. If they do, they cling to the side of the filter before they have expended all of their potential taste.
Oh, and did I mention I purchased a scale as well? 40 grams for a 4 cupper = 10 per 6 oz. cup, ( or 2 tablespoons per 6 oz. cup.)
Also, you won't find any colored cups in my house. I mean....did you ever see an oriental drink tea out of anything but a White cup ? Go figure.
We made coffee 60 gallons at a whack in the army. Filled up a 60 gal steam kettle, boiled it, added what looked like enough coffee, and settled the grounds to the bottom with ice water...well, most of them anyways. Dipped it out into those horrid smelling "rinsed out" dispensers and we were all set for breakfast.

BTW - you're never short on food if you have enough cayenne pepper. Another trick is to "mistakenly" type liver on the daily menu.
While I love coffee I generally find the coffee I get served up when I'm in the USA is almost undrinkable........I guess different parts of the world like coffee in different ways..........my better half and I went and bought an espresso machine, now I can have coffee anyway I want it and it's always good, just a bit heavy to put in the range box and take to the shoots.........Ian